Chapter 16

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Cody pov


She was the first sight a saw when I walked into my room. And I was glad. She slept perfectly, not soundly, but perfectly. Her shiny blonde hair seemed golden in the sunlight that was bouncing in through the window.

"Good morning!" I woke her up, rubbing her back gently. I remember way back when we lived in Kansas together. She always loved to lay down on my lap, and I would rub her back. We were only 6 then. I also remember calling her 'brace face' in fifth grade.

"Mmmm morning" she sat up and yawned, her perfectly straight teeth showing.

"Want breakfast?" I asked her, walking over to the pantry.

"I have donuts!" I sing sang in my high voice.

"Yummy" she said, trudging into the kitchen.

"The floor is soooooooo cold!" She complained and walked on her heels.

"Haha sorry..." I said as she sat on the counter chair. She swiveled back and forth on the chair and hummed her favorite song, Skyfall, softly. Every year for her birthday, I would send her an Adele CD or an iTunes card so she could buy her own Adele songs. It was my own tradition, but I didn't think about until now, this year. Shoot. Her birthday was this Saturday. I have 1 day to buy her a gift without her knowing what it is.

"Wanna go to the vamp HQ today?" I asked her.

"Uhh yeah!! I love it there!" She practically fell out of her chair.

"Ok them lemts mgo!" I muffled, shoving the rest of my donut into my mouth. We walked outside after getting dressed and she climbed onto my back. I ran up to the HQ in a flash. She hopped off my back and we climbed up the ladder.

"Who are those people?" She asked me as soon as I got up the ladder. 3 others were sitting on the sofa drinking animal blood out of red solo cups.

"The girl with bright red hair is Maya, the blonde boy is Carson, and the brunette girl is Tuscany. Tuscany was changed by Carson, and Maya is Carson's sister. Tuscany and Carson are a couple." I tried my best to explain their relationship. She nodded and smiled, understanding and eager to meet them. We walked over to them and said hi. Of course, Tuscany immediately hopped up and took Hilary's hand.

"Oh my gosh! It's the Hillary Cody has been blabbing to us about for five years straight! It's an honor to finally meet you!" She squealed with excitement. Carson and Maya chimed in,

"I know! He has talked about you for literally five years! He says when you two were 12, you never saw each other because you moved to different parts of the country. That's so sad! But now you two can be together for eternity!" The gabbed on and on and on. Maggie suddenly walked in, wearing a long black dress that stopped at her feet. Soon after, everyone was snickering at her sight. Her hair.... Was pink... Carson walked away, whistling while Maggie stood there, embarrassed.

"Stop staring! Someone changed my dye!!" She screeched.

"Carson! You butthead!" Carson turned around to listen to her scream at him.

"What di-haha- did- hahaha I do?" He could barely spit out because he was laughing so hard.

"You tricked me!" She accused him.

"Ok.. Fine, I did it. But it's temporary! And you can dye it black!" He tried to fix it. While they were fighting, Tuscany and Hillary were chatting like normal girls, hitting it off. I snuck out of the treehouse and ran to the nearest store. I bought the most ridiculous, perfect, amazing, best gift ever. She would love it! I payed and ran back to the treehouse. The girls were still talking and Carson and Maggie had stopped fighting. I hid my gift where I knew no one would find it. I hung out with the others after that. They didn't even realize I had left.

"Hey handsome." Hillary put her hand on my cheek and gave me a kiss. She had a cup in her hand. I peeked in it and saw a red substance. SHE WAS DRINKING BLOOD, I thought.

"Can I have a sip?" I asked her.

"Of course sweetie!" She gushed. I took a small sip. Yep. Definitely deer blood. I gaped at her until she realized i was staring at her.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Did I do something?" She asked, confused.

" do you know what you are drinking?" I asked her.

"No.. But whatever it is! It is tasty!"

"It's blood!"

"Like human blood!?"

"No, deer blood!"

"It's really good!"

"I'm glad you like it.... But I am surprised!"


"Because its blood! And YOU are drinking it!"

"Oh. Well. You like it too right?"

"Uhh yeah!!" I was jumping with joy inside my head. This was the first step to changing her. She was adapting to the vampire world.



Love you!

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