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"Hello sweetie! How's everything going there?" My mom gushed.

"Um. I'm going to Sweden..." I blurted out.

"Sweden? I love Sweden! Have fun honey. I have to go. A koala is about to go into labor!" She hung up and I gasped, not knowing what Goes through her mind. I had my own plan. I was too freaked that Cody would get hurt, and I didn't want that to happen. I waited until Tuscany was in the bathroom to make my escape. I slid out the front door and climbed down the ladder. Cody had a sports car parked in the drive way. I pulled the keys I had stolen from the kitchen out and jammed them into the car.

The car was different. Like it was made for a non vampire to have vampire effects. It hyped up and in a flash, I was on the border of Sweden. I read the address of the place Katrina was held at on my wrist.

"Eastwood estates?" I hummed to the music and was there instantly. The house looked empty. I picked up my cell.



"Where are you?"

"I'm in the basement. Ryan just left with Cody and Brendan. They are fighting in the yard!" She sobbed and sniffed at the same time. I could tell she was frightened. I heard noise coming from the back, so I pulled on the front doorknob.

"Crap. Locked."

I looked at how high the windows were. To my luck, there was one opened one! I climbed onto the hood of a blue solstice and crawled onto the yellow hummer that was parked next to it. The hummer had large wheels so I could reach the gutter. I hung on the edge and pulled my feet up. I was on the low roof. I carefully stepped over to the open window and used my purse to bash through the net. I climbed into a girl's room with pink walls and floral bed ware and pink curtains. I ran down stairs to the basement to see Katrina tied up to a pole. She was wearing a really slutty outfit with the shortest shorts you could imagine.

"Katrina! I'm so glad your still ok!" I went up to her and cut the rope with a pocket knife Cody had given me for protection.

"Me too" she gasped. Suddenly I heard a pounding on the stairs that sounded like a herd of elephants. Katrina and I ran towards the basement door that lead out the side of the garage and watched the fight through a window. The boys were punching, kicking, hitting, slapping, pinching, scratching, biting, and head butting. One of Ryan's friends' lip was busted and swollen. Ryan had a black eye and a large scratch on his face. Cody looked perfect from what I could see. Brendan was choking another guy while Dean was whirling around locked with another guys arms. It was chaos. Finally they stopped and Katrina and I got into the car. It was time to tell her what I was actually dating.

"Katrina" I turned to her.

"Hmm?" She looked at me slurping on a smoothie we had gotten on the way back.

"Cody isn't... Normal." I eased into the truth.

"Cody isn't normal? What is he, an alien?" She snickered.

"No." I said seriously.

"He's a vampire. So are the others." I said, dead serious.

"OH MY GOD I THINK I BELIEVE YOU!" She squealed. When we pulled into the drive way. Tuscany was waiting for me.

"WHERE WERE YOU? I COULDN'T FIND YOUR EYES!" She was tapping her foot waiting for an honest answer.

"We were in Sweden..." I murmured.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" She screeched.

"I don't know. I thought you would stop me I guess."

"Whatever" Tuscany trailed us back into the treehouse. The first thing I saw, almost gave me a heart attack.


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