Tripped (Chapter 2)

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I got alot of positive feedback and comments for this story.... So I'm uploading :) Hope you like this!


I stepped out of my car and walked towards the red brick building, not bothering to check who the new hot guy was. I'd probably know by lunch anyways.

I turned towards the hallway on my left and walked to locker number 700, swinging it open. After shoving all my notebooks and folders into it I turned around, about to head into the main office, when all of a sudden I heard squealing.

I rolled my eyes and turned around. Then my eyes widened as I took in the scene unfolding before me. It was like a stampede. An extremely gorgeous guy-probably this senior year's new desired jock- was waltzing this way. The entire popular crowd was following him, eating out of his hands. I rolled my eyes at them. They were trailing behind him like lost puppies. It was ridiculous. You know what pissed me of the most though? It was the guy. He was craving the attention.

His posture said it all. He thought he was all that. His chest stuck out, the muscles bulging. Girls were hanging off of his arms (literally, his arms were away from his body and the sluts were clinging on to them) and they were listening to his every word. He flashed the queen bee, McKenna, a smirk. I could see her melt under his intense gaze.

He was a player through and through. You would have had to have been a complete idiot not to notice. His extremely good looks and obnoxiously high confidence contributed to his charisma.

I scowled, not even bothering to feel sorry for all of the girls' hearts he was about to break. It seemed like none of the girls here ever learned from their mistakes. They met a hot guy, fell in love with him on sight thinking they could change his player ways, went on a date with him, eventually becoming his girlfriend. Then when he cheated on them they all ran home crying to their daddies.

The player turned towards my direction and his bright blue eyes locked onto mine. My breath caught. He really was hot. Not in the high school girls-fawning-over-a-cute-guy-hot, but as in a I-just-stepped-out-of-a-photoshoot-for-Abercrombie-and-Fitch-hot. He shook his head lightly as some of his messy dark brown hair fell into his eyes. He shot me a mischievious smirk.

I shot him a glare and his expression didn't even change- his smirk only got bigger. I stomped out of the hallway and into the main office, grabbing my schedule from the secretary. As she handed me it I gave her a quick, "Thank you," and she smiled at me like I was the only one who cared enough to say that to her. I snorted. I probably was.

I stepped out of the Main Office into the hallway again and looked over to where Mr. Hot Stuff was standing before. Dear God, please help me. He hadn't even moved two inches. He was too busy messing around with the sluts around him and making fun of lonely losers like me. I just shook my head at how pathetic he was and paused to glance at my schedule.

Period 1: AP Calculus

Period 2: AP Chemistry

Period 3:Spanish 4

Period4: Gym

A Lunch

Period 5: AP American Government

Period 6: AP English Lit/Comp

Period 7: Art/Chorus

Period 8: Intro to baking

After I was done reading my schedule I looked up and was shocked to find Mr. Hot Stuff MUCH closer to me than before. I quickly looked back down at my paper and tried to refrain from blushing. Peering up from over the top of my paper, I saw him moving closer towards me.

Huh? Why was he coming closer to me? I prepared myself for a confrontation. Maybe he would ask me why I was staring at him like a moron. Actually, to be accurate, I was ogling him and he probably didn't care since he was used to it. I looked downwards to avoid his gaze when I saw something move extremely fast.

"Hey, what's th- AAHH!" I lost my footing and my butt smacked the ground. Flustered, my cheeks turned bright red. I looked up from the floor and the populars parted around me, kept walking, and snickered. Mr. Hot Stuff turned his head around towards me for a second and paused.

"Oh, sorry," he held back a snicker but kept the smirk and continued walking with his new posse.

Realization dawned on me. He'd tripped me. He was never coming to talk to me. Of course he wasn't. Why would he? I was that lonely nerd with zero friends you saw in the movies. My story, the usual: I'd once been popular and pretty, always tried too hard to fit in just like the other kids, and had finally grown sick of my wannabe 'friends' freshman year. When I tried to 'be myself' and all that other sappy crap I was dropped like a hotcake and left to fend for myself. No one talked to me again, not wanting to associate with the introverted loser, and I was doomed to remain forever alone.

No one stopped to help me get up or grab my stuff.

I stood up and bent over to pick up my schedule up from the ground when all of a sudden someone stepped on it, staining it with sticky mud from a tennis shoe. I scowled and looked up to tell them off, but then noticed whoever it was had already left.

I stalked off towards my locker and pulled out my math notebook and calculator. This year was going to be great.



Soooo. I got alot of positive feedback and votes :D It encouraged me to write more THE NEXT DAY!!!! I know, shocker, right? Well, now you know how important feedback, voting, and commenting to me are so please VOMMENT and give critism :) Thanx for reading and spread the word about tthis story :) Hope you liked this chapter (don't worry, it'll get light hearted later)!

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