Here's my number (Chapter 3)

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Trying to upload as much as I can for you guys :) Thank you everyone who has voted, commented, and fanned for supporting me! It means alot! PLEASE VOMMENT :D Sorry if its short....its a school day :(

ATTENTION: THIS CHAPTER CAN BE KIND OF BORING, BUT I PROMISE IT GETS BETTER!!!! :D PLEASE TRY TO READ UNTIL CHAPTER 5! After that, if you don't like, you can stop reading. Thank you :)


When first period bell rang, I hurried out of the room, not wanting to be late. I'd heard the chemistry teacher was really strict. Naturally, the taller, buffer, more agile kids slid out of their seats faster than me and got to leave the room first. As I approached the doorway, I saw Mr. Hot Stuff talking to some of his groupies that were in my class. I rolled my eyes. He wasn't even in my class and was hogging the doorway! I approached the doorway and nearly tripped, courtesy of my two left feet.

"Excuse me," I tried to walk past David, a buff jock known for using women like Kleenex's and then dropping them like trash.

He stopped me and blocked my way with his disgustingly overmuscular arm. "No, I think you can wait." He grinned.

What an ass! This wasn't even funny. "I said, excuse me," I repeated.

"Yeah, and I said you could wait," He towered over me and glared menacingly. I shrunk back a little, trying not to cower in fear.

I glanced over at my calc teacher in irritation. She was writing something on the markerboard. As if anyone actually payed attention to what she was writing. Honors class or not, everyone slept through Mrs. Johnson's classes. Her voice was just so monotonous and well, boring.

There was no way I was going to call her over here and make myself look like more of a wimp. Time to stand up for myself a little bit more. This was where my early morning I-will-not-be-pushed-over-by-dumb-jocks-and-blond-bimbos-senior-year pep talk came in.

I spoke through clenched teeth, "Please move."

"Make me," he demanded.

Perfect. Now I'd just have to do the extreme. Well, the extreme for someone like me anyway. I tried to shove the jock's arm out of the doorway, but it wouldn't budge. Stupid muscular jock.

Mr. Hot Stuff laughed. I was a little surprised by how smooth his voice sounded. I hadn't really noticed how attractive his voice sounded before. Granted, he'd never actually talked to me before.

"Why don't you just wait?" he asked, "I'm almost done telling my buddy David here my story. Then you can leave. You can even listen in on it." He sounded as if he was the kindest person in the world, letting someone of lower status (me), listen to him gab all day long. In case you hadn't noticed yet, I didn't want to hear him yap all day. He could save his breath for someone who really cared, maybe his mother.

I glared at him. "You know what? I'm not going to waste my time here, listening to you yack your mouth off, and waste 10 minutes of my life. You're not even in this class, so could you please move and tell mister David here to move his ass?"

He laughed. "Oooh, so the nerds got a dirty mouth, huh?"

I swear I growled at him. How was it even possible that he just got here and was already having everyone eat out of the palms of his hands? Didn't David have the brains to know that the new guy was going to become his Alpha leader for the next year and push him around like a dog? And what right did he have to mess with me? He put his hands up in an 'I surrender' motion. "All right, all right, I'll tell him to move. And for your information, I am in this class."

I frowned. I would have noticed him then, wouldn't I? Maybe I just spaced out...Oh well. He wasn't that important anyways. I crossed my arms, well I crossed my arms as well as I could with a binder, book, and notebook without dropping them, and frowned at him. He took in my expression and then said, "I was just kidding about the whole, 'tell him to move thing'. If you want him to move, do it yourself," he raised his eyebrows at me, daring to see what I would do.

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