Goodbye (Chapter 25)

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Anything in between [ ] those is supposed to be in italics! Sorry, I don't have access to a device that can italicize fit now!

Update: This chapter is short, but what's coming up is fun so yay :D And the story is not ending yet! I have a minimum of six chapters left. A minimum :D Please don't forget to vote and comment if you like! I love feedback <3 luvitgirl

Enjoy :) 


Isn't it awkward when you get locked in a janitor's closet with your ex-boyfriend? It's even more awkward when you realize you're not over that boyfriend. And what happens when the time in silence makes you realize that the two of you broke up for a stupid reason?

I'll tell you what happens.

You feel like breaking down and crying because you realize even though your ex is an idiot who refuses to trust you, you still miss him and aren't over him. You realize you want to get back together with your ex but then decide not to because it's for the best- another great guy likes you and is the perfect boyfriend.

However, you can't help but think what could have been. That was why, instead of getting any more frustrated with Asher or angry, I decided to apologize.

"I'm sorry," I blurted out.

His head snapped up from glancing at the floor and his bright blue eyes widened for a fraction of an inch. I felt my heart lurch from his intense stare.

"For what?" he asked curiously.

It was a good question. I had plenty of things to apologize for- flaunting Jason off after just breaking up with him, screaming and fighting with him, breaking up, laughing when Emma got hurt, or maybe just Emma in general. While I wanted to apologize, I was not going to apologize over Emma. Whether she'd done it on purpose or not, she'd come in between us and the guy I knew I cared the most for would never accept or trust me again.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'm sorry we had to fight and I couldn't trust you. And I'm sorry I started dating again so soon after we broke up. I know my being with Jason hurt you."

And I'm sorry for losing you.

"Come here," he opened his arms for a hug, beckoning me to come closer.

I wanted to go to him. Wanted to curl into his arms and never leave him again. But I knew it was wrong.

I was with Jason now. I owed it to him to be loyal. He'd been there for me when I most needed it, and it was my turn to be there for him. I couldn't just drop him like yesterday's paper. He deserved someone who truly cared for him and I was going to do my best to be that person.

I was going to forget Asher, let him go, and move on without looking back.

"Please?" he asked.

I shook my head, eyes glistening. It was wrong. "I'm with Jason now, you know I can't." I tucked my head down, shielding my face from him so he wouldn't see the tears. I tried to surreptitiously wipe them away without sniffling, but I'm sure Asher noticed.

I glanced up for a moment to see how Asher was reacting. I noticed he'd locked his jaw and his eyes were blazing. He was angry, but he didn't say anything.

I saw his eyes flash with an emotion I couldn't recognize. "I'm sorry too," he replied so quietly I could barely hear him.

He moved closer to me, sliding across the floor of the small closet. The minimal light cast a dark shadow across his face. I pushed myself back, but I was already up against the door.

"W-w-what are you doing?" I stuttered.

"Saying goodbye," he whispered, his breath fanning across my cheeks.

His eyes slipped down to my lips and I froze like a deer in the headlights. "A- Asher?" I asked nervously.

"Shhh," he whispered, "One last goodbye."

He closed the gap between our lips.

I didn't try to stop him. His soft lips pushed against mine more firmly and he moved his hands to cup my face. I felt my heart race and the blood rushing to my face.

"Ash-" I opened my mouth to try and stop him. I knew it was what we both wanted, but I had to stop for Jason.

"Shut up," he replied, pushing against me this time.

I felt myself give away from the passion in his voice as he broke down a wall. He moved one hand to the small of my back, gently encouraging me forward, and I moved so that I was straddling him. My hands ran down his firm chest with a mind of their own, my breath coming out in pants.

Guilt washed through me and I forced myself to stop. "Asher, I'm sorry, but we can't."

I pushed myself off him, avoiding his deep oceanic blue eyes. I stood up and upon realizing I was stuck again, sat down awkwardly.

"Ashley, look at me."

I ignored him.

"Ashley, please. You're killing me."

It was time to do things right for once. It was time to grow up and change. I wasn't going to be the nerdy high school girl that fell for the school's player, got her heart broken by him, but somehow still ended up with the player again and lived out her happily ever after.

Like I've always said, my life is not a fairy tale.

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