Kidnapped (Chapter 5)

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Kay, I'm kind of bored..... I really hope you guys like this chapter! Please vote+comment=VOMMENT :D Please VOMMENT!!! Give me feedback :) Sorry if its short.... Finals are coming, tests are being dumped, so now chapters may only be a page maybe (if your lucky 2) :( Sorry, but maybe if this story gets a little more popular (Like my other story, The Hot Girl Called Mommy) I'll upload soon! Sorry 'bout this rant...

Enjoy luvitgirl


I opened the door, only to find Mr. Hot Stuff staring, no, smirking back at me. What?!? How'd he find out where I lived? Forget that, why was he so interested in me?

"Hey, are you ready to go?"

I looked at him incredulously. "Are you serious?"

"I'm dead serious."

I rolled my eyes. "No, I told you already. I'm not going to be your friend nor am I going to get in your car and go to your house to do god knows what."

He raised an eyebrow suggestively. "Well, I wasn't planning to DO anything, but I can make an exception for you."

"Ugh, you're disgusting!" I closed the door in his face. Actually, his foot blocked the door from closing and I could feel him pushing the opposite direction, trying to open the door.

I grit my teeth. What was his problem? It wasn't like I was an interesting person. My only friend was Kara, and I'd just met her. If Mr. Hot Stuff wanted to get close to me to find a hot friend of mine, that wasn't going to happen. Nobody was close enough to me to know my true personality.They only knew the facade of a nerd put on stage by the bitches of my school. He couldn't have been after me for my looks either. I wasn't ugly, but I wasn't so exceptionally good looking that someone like the new kid would have gone out of their way to befriend me.

I got fed up with trying to close the door on his foot and finally used common sense, kicking his foot out of the way, hard. Believe me, a jock is strong and it's really hard to get them to move if they don't want to. Insert me slamming my binder into David here. Not only did my plan work, but it also backfired.


I slammed the door closed, locked it, and hopped on my left foot, proceeding to hug my right. Then I let out a stream of colorful words. Ugh, I better not have broken my foot! I swear if my foot was broken I would kill that moron. How was I supposed to know his foot would be as hard as a rock? He was more buff than David! I took a quick peek through one of the windows in the living room that was angled towards the front door.

He wasn't standing there. I let out a deep breath- something I didn't know I'd been holding in.

I snuck up to my room silently, tiptoeing. What? It fit the mood.

As soon as I entered my white, bare room, I jumped onto my bed and took a deep breath. I was OK now. The stupid jock was gone, my homework was done, and I'd already eaten. Now I could just relax and be myself.


I jumped up, my heart racing. What was that? I paused. Nothing. I guess I must have imagined it.


I jumped again and held a hand over my thumping heart. What the heck was that? I pulled out my cell phone and dialled 911, but didn't hit the 'TALK' buttion. Just a precaution. I stopped and waited for the sound again. Silence. Seriously, I must have been paranoid.

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