Peanut butter and Jelly [this is a new chapter] (Chapter 7)

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Okay....This WILL be alot shorter than my normal upload but thats cause Im on vacaction right now and I'm REALLY busy. I don't have alot of time so hopefully this isn't too short. I'll try to upload short chapters every day *cross your fingers* but they WILL be short. Sorry 'bout that.

Enjoy and vote!

*I luv it when you vote but I luv it even more if i know who the people that voted are :) IMPORTANT: THIS CHAPTER IS THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER IN ASHER"S POV!!!!!!!!!!!


ASHER'S POV (In the car, after school, on the way to his house)

I snuck a peek at Ashley. She was glaring viciously out the window. I chuckled to myself. She was so entranced that she didn't even hear me. Good thing too, otherwise who knows what she would have done. Probably murdered me.

I didn't get it. All I had told her was that she could come over to my house and then she'd completely freaked out on me and started throwing shoes at me like a mad women. What was I supposed to do? Just stand there and get bruised like a moron? Naturally, I started throwing rocks at the crazy woman.

Somehow I had ended up carrying her out the front door with her old granny neighbor watching us excitedly. Wierdo.

Most girls would have been falling at my feet by now. As expected, everyone at this pathetic school was. Everyone, except her that is. That was why I was so interested with her. She was different from all of the other girls I'd met. It was kind of annoying. How could she not have wanted me? She was a nerd. A loser. It was her job to want everything she couldn't have. At the same time I was kind of excited. It had been a while since I'd gotten a challenge. I was looking forward to it.

Back at my other school all the girls had been infatuated with me. Well, except for Emma of course- but that was because she was my only girl friend and yes, I mean a girl, who was my friend and not that she was my girlfriend and I was her boyfriend. I kind of missed her. It really was too bad that she said we couldn't stay in touch.

The reason I'd brought Ashley over tonight was to have fun and just hang out. I needed her to get her guard down. Pretending to be her friend was an easy way to do that. I wouldn't make any moves on her. Then, when she trusted me enough, I would pounce.

I was determined to win the challenge.

She didn't look half bad either. Even though she was blond, she didn't seem to be the dumb blond type. She had these dull blue eyes that were always lifeless and had no light. It looked like she didn't have a life inside her at all.

Her body though, her body was an entirely different story. Probably a B cup, maybe a C but still very sexy. Her legs were long and golden. I'd stolen a peek at them while carrying her on my back and I'd occasionly been peeking at them when she was glaring out the window. Definitely sexy. I wonder how she got labeled as the school nerd....not that it matters.

Surprisingly, as soon as I saw her, a sense of deja vu hit me. I felt like I knew her before or should have remembered her but I didn't. I could have sworn I'd seen her somewhere before- which was impossible because I'm pretty sure if I'd seen her before I'd have remembered her.

I stopped in front of my house. Pftt, it was more a mansion than a house. I glared at it. My stupid dad had time for work but not for his family huh? He had time to work hard enough to buy a freaking mansion but not hard enough to hang around with his only child? Forget him.

And it wasn't like mom cared. She was happy as long as she got her endless amount of money, big fancy home, and didn't have to work. It wasn't like she actually cared about me and my dad, right?

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