A change brings attention (Chapter 8)

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I felt guilty cause this story IS popular and I didn't upload for a while and I had writers block on this story.We'll see how this chapter goes. Thanks everyone for reading adn PLEASE VOTE!

Enjoy ;)


It had been three weeks since I'd been over to Asher's house and I had been avoiding him like the plague for the past twenty-one days. Luckily for me, it seemed that Asher didn't really want to talk to me anyways or make the effort to be my friend. Which I knew was coming.

The second I had walked into his house I had known what he'd wanted from me. After I'd left with the sandwich, he must of been shocked I resisted him. I guess he gave up knowing that I didn't really care whether he payed attention to me or not.

Also, it seemed that my assumption on his player-ness was correct. I was pretty sure that he had this game plan where every week or two he'd get a new girl to play with. 2 weeks ago it was Stephanie, the week before was Katie, and this week was Ally. Funny thing was, it seemed that no one but me seemed to notice that they were going to be dumped the next Monday before school or on the Sunday of when the new week started.

And while all of this was going on I realized how many people were pushed around and messed with just because of other people with quote, unquote 'higher status'. I'd been pushed around by all of these rude cheerleading chicks for my entire high school career and I had to change.

My whole life all I ever wanted was to fit in. I wanted to be average, just like the other kids and fit in with the cool crowd. I tried to play down my smartness so I wouldn't get called a nerd and I dressed the way everyone else did, following the latest fashion trends. I had tons of friends and was popular. But after a while, I started to hate how my 'friends' treated other people. Then I realized that by hanging out with my 'friends', I was treating girls like me- girls who just wanted to have real friends- like crap. I ruined other girls middle school careers and decided to change in high school and be the real me. Unfortunately, no one liked the real me. Thus, I was left alone for the next three years to fend for myself every time someone called the real me a lame nerdy loser.

The lesson to be learned: It wasn't until high school, when I stopped trying to pretend to be someone I wasn't, when I realized what it was like to be on the receiving end of the stick. That's how I learned it was important not to degrade other people. Also, despite the fact that people considered me to be a social pariah, Asher, the most popular kid in school, somehow managed to look past how everyone treated me and believed that I could be his friend (even though he probably had and still does have) an alterior motive. I learned something important from Asher: to stay true to myself and not pretend to be some fake cocky loser. A friend was all I ever wanted or needed and to this day I never had one. The gift of a friend was something I knew you shouldn't take for granted.

Anyways, I decided that part of being bold and standing up for myself this year involved me actually being confident in myself. If I was going to be confident in myself, I was going to need to change my attitude and outlook on myself. If I fixed the way I thought about myself, I could have more friends and be happier. (I could also rub my happiness in Asher and McKenna's face). The best way to do this was fix my appearance- aka, go shopping.

I had a whole bunch of untouched money sitting in my- yes- piggy bank. I babysat a lot and didn't have a use for the money so I just saved it. Now that I planned to go shopping, I used that saved money to buy clothes I liked. I invited Kara to come with me for some girl advice and I pigged out on clothing.

I bought skirts, cute tops, skinny jeans, flares, sweaters, tank tops, dresses, earings, boots, necklaces, flats, pajamas and hats. I practically bought a lifetime of clothing for myself.

Today I was going to wear a cute outfit that I liked to school.

I chose a dark navy blue top from Aeropostale that swooped a little and put a white tank top underneath. I matched it with a red skirt that had blue flowers with green petals on it. The thick black band at the top of the skirt hugged my flat stomach and the skirt went to mid thigh. I added a long red beaded necklace and some small red studds into my ears and stuck a thin headband into my blond hair that I straightened.

After applying mascara, eyeliner, and some chapstick I slipped on some comfy flats that had roses lining up my foot.

I grabbed my backpack and got in the car, driving fast to school. I guess I was a little nervous. Who wouldn't be? This year was going to be the year of change for me. I really was serious about not being pushed around. I had to learn to grow up. The real world was a lot more difficult than high school. If I allowed myself to be treated this way now, what would happen to me in the future? I had to get a backbone.

I parked the car in my usual spot. Unfortunately, my parking space had managed to be conveniently located near Asher's parking space, creating the perfect angle for him to spy on me. I could see him from where I was currently sitting. He was leaning against the back of his car talking to his 'friends' and future girlfriends, all the while staring at my car. I got the feeling that he wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying, only that he was focused on watching me. While I knew he watched me at times, he certainly didn't make an effort to talk to me anymore (which was nice; I didn't need unnecessary drama in my life.)

Unfortunately, it seemed that this particular morning he was set on paying attention to me, which meant if he watched me, everyone watched me.

I'd be getting a whole lot of attention today.


Yeah I know, I really don't like this chapter and the change was in a way necesary and i felt like I should write another chapter to at least satisfy and thank all of my readers. I do know what is going to happen in this story, I just need to get there so please bear with me and vote. I know the chapters will get better. VOTE and thanx, sorry this is short.

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