I almost kill the new guy (Chapter 18)

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I straightened my frizzy blonde hair carefully, trying not to burn my head. I was never good with curlers, wavers, straighteners or pretty much any thing that's heated and goes in your hair.  Then I braided the side of my hair into a medium side braid and pulled the rest into a ponytail. Next I applied light makeup and put on my cherry chapstick. I glanced at myself one more time in my full length mirror.

So far October had been surprisingly warm and today was not an exception. I'd decided to wear a dress before winter came and then forced me to be cooped up in my famous ugly thick sweaters that gave everyone the chance to laugh at me. I was wearing a purple summer dress. The top was swoop necked and had sleeves that didn't go over the shoulders. A ribbon of the same colored fabric was right underneath my bust. From then on down to a little above my knees was lacy purple fabric.

Lately Emma had been dressing as if she was a model from New York rather than just a small town girl. It was really getting on my nerves how she was so pretty and how everyone liked her and how Asher didn't realize she made fun of me. I was sick of her stupid cheers for the stupid cheerleading team that she practiced during gym class and how all of the teachers adored her and she was so smart. She had it all and it bothered me. No one was as perfect or as close to perfect as her.

Recently I'd been having these unspoken battles with her. Remember how a couple of weeks ago before Asher and I started dating, Asher told me the guys thought I was kind of hot? That everyone was jealous of me because I was pretty? He explained that was why I was bullied. I don't think he was lying because Emma's always glaring at me in the jealous-bitchy way of hers and she's always trying to outdo my outfits. We'd been dueling each other in the cutest clothes and so far she was winning.

I quickly slipped on my purple flats and rushed down the stairs, taking them two at a time when I realized I was five minutes behind schedule. I got into my car without eating breakfast and sped down the road, going fifteen miles above the speed limit. All of a sudden, the stoplight  before the school parking lot turned red and I slammed down on my breaks. I felt myself being thrown forward and then flung back by my seat belt.

"Shit!" I cussed, checking over the car in front of me. I locked eyes with the driver in front of me and my heart stopped.

That guy was hot. Like, seriously, I mean it. Ten times hotter than Asher. I swear, this guy stepped out of a magazine and into our little dinky town. His emerald green eyes glared at mine for a second before softening. The light turned green again and he turned left onto the parking platform and I followed his car. Thanks to my crazy driving, I was ten minutes early for 1st period.  I parked next to the mysterious stranger and got out of my car and locked it.

"I'm soooo sorry! Are you okay?" I asked the guy. He ran his fingers through his dirty blonde hair and gave me an award winning smile. His teeth were blindingly white and I couldn't help but think of how proud his dentist must be.

"No harm done," he assured me.

He smooth low voice was unbelieveably sexy. I felt an involuntary blush crawl onto my cheeks. "Are you sure?"

"Trust me, I'm fine. Hey, um would you mind showing me where the main office is?"

I almost passed out. Here was this inhumanly gorgeous boy asking me, me of all people, if I would help him. I wished Emma was here so I could yell SUCK ON THAT at her face.

Of course, I had to make sure I was awake so I pinched myself. "OW!" Then I double checked with him. I pointed a finger at myself. "You want me to help you?"

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