My friend can kiss (Chapter 15)

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"What's the big deal?" Asher looked over at me, bored.

"You have no idea how important that necklace is!" I screamed at him.

"Relax," he reassured me, "I'll just go buy you a new one. We'll even go right now. Tell me what it looks like."

"You don't understand!" A paced back in forth in my bedroom.

He shot me an amused look and sank back down on my bed, stretching his arms behind his head. "I think I do. Why do you care so much about it anwayways? I can buy you a much more better necklace than that."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Well thank you very much Mr. I'm-so-rich-I-can-buy-anything-I-want! That's so helpful," I responded sarcastically.

He smirked at me. "Don't pretend you don't wish you were me," he said.

"The necklace has something you'll never understand."

He raised and eyebrow and I couldn't help but admire how handsome he looked. He brushed his messy brown hair out of his eyes and his light blue eyes appeared curious. "And what would that be?"

I replied simply, "Sentimental value."

He snorted. "That's funny Ashley. But seriously, tell me the truth."

I sighed. "I am telling you the truth," I started to tell the story of when I went into my backyard and couldn't reach the bar on my swing set. "Along time ago, in fact it was thirteen years ago when I went to play outside in my backyard." I told him seriously.

He tried to suppress a grin. "And let me guess- a dog came and attacked you."

I glared at him. "No!"

"Then why do you hate dogs?"

"I do not hate dogs!"

"Why are you afraid of dogs?"

"That's besides the point," I changed the subject and he grinned.

"The point is-"

"You lost your necklace," he interjected.

I glared at him. "Don't interrupt me," I warned. I continued, "Anyways, as I was saying, my mom was out of the house and-"

Asher spoke again. "You never said  that," he smirked.

I exhaled through my nose. "I went to play outside-"

Asher cut in, "I already-"

I ignored him and spoke louder. "AND THERE WAS A BOY-"

"Is the story finshed yet?" he questioned impatiently.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and refrained from slapping him upside the head. "If you interrupt me one more time-"

"You'll slap me because you're a violent monster. Yeah, I know."

I smacked his arm and sat criss cross apple sauce on the bed. "A little boy....his name was....well I forgot."

"That was awfully nice of you," he commented smirking.

I just stared at him and didn't speak. I refused to talk until he stopped interrupting me. I slipped into his mesmerizing blue orbs. They seemed to be swirling different colors of blue. First dark blue, then light blue, sky blue, and the chain continued. He seemed to enjoy our little staring contest because he sat up and looked into my blue eyes in a way that was definitely not healthy. I was starting to get dizzy by his beauty. He moved so close to my face I could feel his breath collide with my cheek. I felt blood rush to my face and I couldn't stop blushing.

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