Peanut butter and Jelly (Chapter 6)

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Sooooo.... I tried to upload sooner, but this was the closest I could get :) Hope you like and sorry about grammar/puntuation errors... I try to catch them but sometimes I cant see them. Even when I'm staring right at one XD



I glared out the window the whole time and blinked when I realized the car had stopped moving. How dare he take me against my will! This was basically kidnap! And to think I had probably broken my foot in an attempt to get rid of him. I swear, Mr. Hot Stuff had serious problems.

He had a catch about being my friend. I just didn't know what it was yet. I would bet anything that he just wanted to get into my pants. Why else would he have been so persistent in getting me to be his friend? We'd only met today and he didn't even know my name, yet he already wanted to be my secret 'friend'. No offense, but that wasn't exactly what I'd call trustworthy.

"Okay we're here. You can get out now," he announced.

I rolled my eyes and turned to face him. Obviously that was why the car stopped moving. I looked at where he was, or where he should have been (drivers seat) and frowned.

Huh? Where'd he go?

"Hey! You can come out now!"

I jumped in my seat and put a hand over my heart- a futile attempt to slow its rapid beating. He was laughing right outside my passenger door. I huffed. That was not funny. None of this was.

"Ugh, you can stop laughing now," I complained, annoyed.

He chuckled under his breath, but stopped. I didn't get out of the car. "You can get out now," he repeated.

I sat there and crossed my arms, refusing.

"Fine, we'll do it your way then," he sighed.

He opened the car door. I knew he'd pick me up again if he had to.

"Alright, alright grumpy head. I'm moving," I sighed. When I stepped out of the car I immediately collapsed onto the driveway.


I glared up at him. The sun was hitting him just right and his messy dark brown hair swept a little over his forehead. His blue eyes twinkled, amused. I shook my head and snapped out of it.

"It's not funny! Look, now I can't even stand up because you broke my foot!"

"I didn't break your foot," he denied.

He frowned and crouched down, resting his hand on my foot, which by the way did not have a shoe on since he'd kidnapped me. I tried to stop my cheeks from heating up when he touched me. What was up with me and this annoying blushing habit of mine? It wasn't like I hadn't ever been next to a guy before. It didn't work. I could feel my cheeks flush. Luckily for me, he didn't seem to notice.

''Oops. Yup, its definitely broken."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks but no thanks Sherlock."

He stood up and stretched a hand out to me. I took it and stood up, putting pressure on my foot.

"OW!" That fricken hurt, "Ok, you know what? Forget it. I think I'm just going to stay here. Or better yet, inside your car. Take me home," I demanded.

Anyways, it wasn't like I wanted to go with him inside his house.

"Oh no, you're not getting away that easily."

I raised my eyebrows at the gorgeous boy in front of me. The efforts he was going to just to make me go inside his house astonished me. Surely I wasn't that interesting to him. Before I knew it, he'd picked me up and thrown me over his shoulder again.

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