Whatever I Want (Chapter 9)

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Sorry about the REALLY Late upload. I've been getting alot of writers block on this story and its hard to continue. Hopefully, I'll upload soon again :) Vomment ??? Thanks everyone.

Enjoy ;)


I walked towards the brick red high school and peeked out of the corner of my eyes. Asher was following me and his crowd trailing behind him, frowning in distaste.

He called out, "Hey Ashley! Wait up!"

My eyes widened and I picked up the pace. I thought he was getting over me. We hadn't really been talking anymore. I just wanted to have one year of normality- no craziness, no teasing, just normal, average peace. I tried to move faster, heading farther away from Asher, without looking anymore like a freak than I already was. Why was the parking lot so far away from the main entrance of the school?

"I know you're listening! Stop!'' he demanded.

I took a deep breath and focused on getting to the building. I kept my eyes glued to the two glass doors and walked faster. Almost there...

"What is your problem?" He broke into a light jog.

I started to speed walk this time. Why couldn't he see I didn't want to talk to him? Blending in meant not associating myself with the celebrity of the school.

I knew what kind of guy he was. He only brought me to his house for one reason. He was the naive one if he thought I didn't know why or if he thought I actually believed him when he said he brought me to his house to play videogames with me. He only wanted to be my friend for one reason.

I refused to be his girl toy.

I may be the one of the most unpopular people in school, but I still have standards. I'm not just going to take what I can get. I'm worth it. I know that now. Just because people told me I was a loser, didn't mean I had to act like one. It didn't mean I had to dress like one. Kara didn't care what people thought of me, so why should I?

I'd be out of high school this year anyways, so what was the big problem? I could handle one year.

I reached the doors of the building and swung them open. Then I turned my head behind me to check if he was following me. My suspicions were correct. I hung a left and went down the math wing to my locker, pulling out my books for Calc.

I entered Mrs. Johnson's and walked over to a chair, setting my books on the table.

"What's your problem?" A familiar, annoying voice snapped.

I jumped and whipped around so fast my neck cricked. I winced and proceeded to glare at Asher.

"How did you get here?'' I inquired.

"Hi to you too," He rolled his eyes, "And for your information, I took a short cut."

He made himself comfortable in the seat next to mine and stretched, pulling his arms over his head and slouched in his seat. I could see his pants sliding down and I shifted nervously.

"Pull up your pants," I ordered.

He snorted. "What are you? My mother?"

I looked at the blank marker board in front of me and sighed. Why wasn't he with the other jocks and cheerleaders? Wasn't he supposed to break up with another girl today? I had been doing so well avoiding him for the past three weeks. Well, that and he hadn't really been interested in talking to me since school started. He just watched me- we were very aware of each other (more like he was aware of me and sometimes I noticed; like today in the parking lot). It was like the whole I-want-to-be-your-friend-conversation never happened. That was fine by me since it helped me reach my goal of being confident and normal.

"Why are you following me? Don't you have anything better to do than annoy me?"

He faked innocence. "Am I annoying you? Sorry."

"Go away," I complained.

"Make me."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "What do you want? What can I do to make you leave me alone?"

He grinned. "Now your talking. My mom is having one of our family friends come over for dinner and she says I need a date or she'll find me one. Will you come with me?"

I scrunched my eyebrows. "No! Go find someone else to do that for you. I'm sure there are plenty of other girls who'd love to go to your house on a fake date with you."

He raised his eyebrows. "You don't want to go?"

"No thank you, I'm not interested," I answered, checking the time. Was it just me or was time moving by way too slowly?

He frowned. "Please? C'mon, I really need your help!"

I rolled my eyes. "Why do you need MY help?"

He gave me a flat look. "Seriously."

"Seriously what?" I asked innocently.

"Just do it. I'll do whatever you want." He added, "Please," as an afterthought.

I thought for a second.

Whatever I wanted.

He must be desperate. His bimbos must be too dumb for the job. But wait, if he wanted me to pretend to be his fake date, then we'd have to pretend to be a couple. That was definitely not going to happen. I didn't plan on holding his hand anytime soon, much less kissing him.

"I'll do it, but-"

He ignored me and punched the air. "Yes!"

I rolled my eyes. "Hold your horses cowboy, I'm not going to touch you."

He looked shocked. "What?

"You heard me. I get whatever I want for helping you out since you're too lazy to find a real date. And I'm not kissing you or anything."

"But we have to convince my mom we're together," he whined.

"I can do that without having to touch you every five seconds." I shot back.

He muttered something underneath his breath and grumbled, "Whatever. I'll pick you up at your place around 6:30."

I smirked mischieviously at him. "Kay, see you then."

Whatever I wanted. This was going to be so much fun.


i think I can get back on track with regular updates the way I set this chapter up. I also started editing the beginning of this story to make it better. Less stuff about jacks and cliques because it gets annoying after a while. Vote please? Thank you everyone!!!!

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