Saving Emma (Chapter 27)

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I know I haven't updated in a while guys! I'm so sorry for the delay :( I really do appreciate all of you! A fan pushed me to keep going and writing so I'm dedicating this to her and please enjoy! The story is almost over :( this update has been long overdue!


"Tell me again, why of all things, you think Emma was kidnapped?" I quickly snapped my seat belt into place as Asher rapidly peeled out of the student parking lot. "Oh, and why you brought me along would be nice to know too."

Asher blew air out of his mouth as he watched the road and tried to remain calm. "I'm serious," his tone grew darker as he sped down the road, "Not that you would have noticed since you've been ignoring me, but I haven't been talking to Emma as of late."

"Am I supposed to care?" I replied bitterly, watching the trees speed by.

He ignored me. "I started to think Emma was keeping a secret from me last week. I kept bugging her about it until she started avoiding me. That seems to be happening a lot now."

I turned my head to peek at him for a second and then shifted my attention to the teeny weeny dress I was wearing. It was slowly climbing up my thighs, threatening to expose the creamy skin underneath. "Do you have a shirt or something I can cover up with?" I asked uncomfortably. I felt awkward being around him like this.

I thought I heard him mutter why I even bothered to wear the dress before he told me he had a spare sweatshirt in the back. I unbuckled my seatbelt and slipped it on, more comfortable after his hoodie covered my chest and thighs. It was even so big I had to roll up the sleeves.

"Anyways, I finally cornered her yesterday-"

"-You're good at that," I muttered.

He rolled his eyes before they softened. I could tell he was about to say something serious so I tried to be more patient.

"She cracked. I got her to say what was on her mind." Suddenly he was at a loss for words. After a minute he choked and said, "Her dad has been having an affair with my mom...from at least since I was in eighth grade."

My eyes almost popped out of my head. That was the last thing I expected him to say. "You know how busy my dad is. It was easy for them to get together. He was always gone and Emma and her dad were always around since she was my best friend. We were neighbors. God knows how long they've been sneaking around. Anyways, that's the reason Emma moved here. My mom wanted to be with her dad," he spat.

I couldn't believe he came to me with this. I was surprised he trusted me enough. Then I paused carefully, trying to avoid dangerous waters, asking gently, "Why couldn't they get a divorce?"

He exploded. "Because my mom is a selfish bitch, in case you haven't noticed-"


"No! Listen to this Ashley. Emma caught them when we were in eighth grade. Eight grade! Can you believe this sh*t?" I flinched. His hands on the steering wheel clenched so tightly they turned white. "Apparently, my mom wasn't happy with the man she truly loved- Emma's dad. She wanted money too. That's the only reason she stayed with my dad- for the unlimited money. And the whole time my dad thought she was the best wife on earth, so considerate and understanding of him being gone. He didn't care how much money she spent since it made up for his absence. My mom told Emma's dad she'd leave him if I found out about the affair. She knew I'd tell my dad, he'd file for divorce, and she would lose access to her unlimited cash. Emma's dad was obsessed with her so when Emma walked in on them by accident he threatened her, saying he'd kill her if I ever found out."

I gasped. He sped up more, "Emma kept quiet for so long. Her dad moved back here to be with my mom and she didn't say anything to me. This whole time, for the past three and a half years. Nothing. Then she started acting wierd last week. I picked up on it and that's when she told me she'd found out my mom was pregnant. I hadn't been surprised because I'd already known this. My mom had told me over dinner and I'd been happy about it. Then Emma couldn't hold it in anymore after my pestering her about what she was hiding. She told me the truth and admitted that she knew the baby wasn't my dad's. I hadn't believed her at first so I confronted my mom. She didn't have to say anything- it was written all over her face. I called my dad and told him that he needed to come home right away. He had known it was serious because I'd never asked him to come home from work in my entire life. When he got back, I told him the truth. He talked with my mom and they decided to get a divorce."

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