Detention (Chapter 24)

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Remember a couple of weeks ago when Emma was gone and Asher and I hated each other? Or more like when I had a crush on Asher and half hated him at the same time? It was before I got to know him and realized he was a jerk that never believed in me or was worth my time.

Well, if you remember correctly, then you would realize he handed me a detention on a silver platter. And if your school is anything like mine then you would realize I wouldn't be able to go to this Friday's Halloween Dance if my detention wasn't made up.

As you should also know, I have the worst luck in the world. In case you need examples of my rotten luck, you can take the facts that I was bullied for three years straight, forced to believe I was ugly, tricked into dating a player that only wanted into my pants, (AND I had to sit next to that same jerk every day) for examples. Another thing of bad luck to add to my list: Asher had also not completed his detention. We were the only two people yet to have to complete the required hours.

That was why I was with him after school cleaning tables, wiping windows, and erasing chalkboards. That was also why I was locked in the janitor's closet with him.

I take that back. Detention was actually the reason I was in school during after hours and my being here was what led to me accidentally locking us up in a closet. Therefore it wasn't technically my fault.

Let me explain.


"I know you two are probably very busy and I understand that this is probably the last thing you two want to be doing, but there are consequences for your actions. I hope this detention teaches you two to become more responsible people. However, I know that you aren't this type of a person Ashley, so I've decided to cut you some slack. Instead of having you and Asher split up and each take half of the school to clean I will allow you two to work together. I won't force you to write any essays over what you have learned during this time either. I hope you learn your lesson."

I ran a hand through my long, layered tresses. Was she kidding me? This was supposed to be cutting me some slack? It was anything but. If she was like any of the other in-the-know teacher's, she would have realized that Asher and I were exes and the last thing we wanted to do was clean with each other, but unfortunately she was out of the loop. "Are you sure? I don't mind splitting up the school. Like I always say, divide and conquer," I tried not to get down on my knees and beg her.

I could see Asher roll his bright blue eyes out of the corner of my eyes and I huffed.

"That's quite alright. I insist you two work together. In fact, I will accept nothing but."

I held back a groan. Damn it.

"Alright, here are your towels and this is the spray bottle. You two will have to share. Make sure to wipe off all the windows. Oh, also, come back when you are done so I can sign off your slips to approve the detention."

I nodded, grabbing the spray bottle and rag, already walking towards the window to scrub the grime off it. Mrs. Luxembourg left the room leaving me and the boy who broke my heart alone.

I decided to ignore the brat and pretend like he didn't exist. Since my date with Jason he'd been fairly kind to me, not kissing me or yelling at me or even butting into my business. We just exchanged pleasantries and moved on each day since. I didn't know what was up with him, but I was determined to find out. He just wasn't being himself.

The Asher I knew would have fought hard for me. Would have called Jason names and would have proved that I belonged with him and not Jason. He would have teased and flirted with me when Jason wasn't around.

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