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Peter could be seen on top of Bank Tower; he still remembers the confession that he made 8 hours ago. He was about to swing back home when he heard a glass break quite literally around the corner. When he set up the camera to take pictures, he noticed that there was a man with a sound of something mechanical. When Spider got close, the mechanical sound then became clear it was some scorpion tail. "Hello, fellow arachnid why you steal for?"

The tail starts to lunge out, with steel spike on the tip, "Like you need to understand, damn Spider or should I say Pete

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The tail starts to lunge out, with steel spike on the tip, "Like you need to understand, damn Spider or should I say Pete." The tone of voice was similar to Peter. "Tsao, how you knew was me?" Coming out in a full black colored suit. "Really Pete, anytime you played hero in grade school, you couldn't choose a name. One of the names that kept coming to you was something with Spider. Now, leave me alone, I need the money."

Peter felt embarrassed, but what he said was true, "Why you need the money?" "I have something to do.. it is very important." Just tell me, and I might be able to help." But before Tsao could say anything, a whole police force came. Some even had some heavy-duty armor issues. Peter didn't see Captain Stacy, 'what to do' Peter stop thinking as him and when full Spider, he webbed up the entire area and made a cocoon so there only him and Tsao. "Tsao, tell me the reason and make it quick." "It my father, he got sick when working at OSCORP, and they won't do anything. Plus, I learned that my father has some debt from the mob boss of Kingpin. I had to steal this suit from my father."

"How much for all of it?"

"The debt is about 16k, and for is treatment. The bare minimum is around 67k."

Peter thought about it. "I think I can help you for both, I need to leave the money and meet me at the docks tomorrow around 9 p.m. Tsao was hesitant, but Peter tone the entire time was in a serious tone. He leaves with Peter help by making a rope made of his webs to he can, leaving by the sewers.

Meanwhile, outside, the police trusted in Spider-Man judgement, When he came out with the cash, they saw Spider-Man clicked a button on his shooters, and all the webs started to dissolve. It only took three minutes, and they were gone.




Peter was swinging and leaving his territory and enters Hell's Kitchen, where they were an explosion in a small building, Peter knew to check it out, that when he saw a familiar small group, but it seems that only 2 out of the 4 were fight. A man wearing a mainly black suit with some red accents, and a woman who just wearing basic street clothing as if just a citizen. Spider-man land and webs up the people that they knocked out and helping by webbing the bombs so tight that they won't go off. The fighting was over, "Ah, what happened to your red? Did you go to the dark side, or did Punisher get to you?"Hello Spider, this was a gift from Fist,"

Peter, in his first year of being Spider-Man, went and tried to the Defenders. As they were a small group that also started their career, It was actually Matt or Daredevil that helped with getting that deal with CPS. Danny, or Iron Fist, was his sensei, showed him the way to fight, and the one who helped him with his newly found strength. Daredevil would also help; you wouldn't believe it, but it him that help with Spidey sense. Jessica Jones and Luke Cage didn't really help, but they really help with his morality, Spider-Man knows Frank, but The Defenders, being a new family for Peter, agree that to never reveal his identity to Frank.

"Hello, Ms. Jones, I hope everything is going well. " "Yeah, kid, now spill why you are here? "Well, I can't say it here, but I need the 'Lawyer, he whispers'.

After an hour, they went to a diner, that they like going, a waitress goes up to them, "Ah Peter, it is good to see you again, I hope that Matty here is taking care of you, how is school, close to reaching your senior year right?" "Oh Ms. Jina, it good seeing you, and yeah, just one more year then off to who knows where. Can I get the usual' Jessica cut in 'no coffee this time, just a water." Jina and Peter look at her shock, Matt is just giggling to himself. "Um, yes, Ms. Jones"

Matt opens his laptop, "Ok kid now what happened" "I have a schoolmate, he dressed up as a scorpion and was about to steal some money cause is father is sick because of OSCORP and having a debt with Kingpin.

"Matt, for the first problem I can handle, if your school mate can handle finding the right paperwork and tell them that I send Froggy to help with that, Jones can you call Luke and Rand to handle the bastard. Now Peter, what is his friend's name?"

"I will send the information to Ms. Jones. Oh, and I have some news, I have two girlfriends. " Jessica grabbed his hand and started to squeeze, "TALK NOW. "

Peter couldn't get his hand free, "ok okay, I was hired to protect a friend of mine, you remember Gwen Stacy, yeah her and then there Cindy, she was also bit the same spider that also bit me. Right now, since we found each other recently, we are releasing some pheromones that are driving us crazy. But now it has died down. And don't worry, Captain Stacy will already do something to me if I hurt any of them."

Jessica kept squeezing his hand. "When we were going to meet them, damn I knew that you might copy something from Danny."I was about to tell you guys at the annual monthly dinner."

Jessica let go of his hand and handed him a small suitcase. "A gift from Danny, a new suit. Danny wanted to add his color, but Matt stopped him, but I did the color. Go and test it when you go back home, but now, we eat. Matt, your plate is on your left, 2 o'clock from your laptop, and I have your cup of coffee." Said Jessica. "Thank you, Mrs. Jones



Peter is now in his base where Captain Stacy is sitting on the couch, sleeping, in front of him is some paperwork, something about Kingpin and his connection to Hydra. Peter opens the suitcase,

Well, the suit does look interesting

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Well, the suit does look interesting

"So, it made with the same stuff as Matty."

Peter goes to his workplace and upgrades his web shooters,

Having ice, electric, and fire elements to web fluid. When George woke up, he saw Peter in his new suit. "Full white, I didn't expect that."

"Where were you earlier? Some officers came when an attempted robbery, but you never showed." "Oh, I was here doing some work, The Kingpin, the street lord might be working with Hydra. And I don't want Sheild to get the credit for this one. We police force still matters."

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