chapter 4.5

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You didn't exactly offer to use your grandfather's minivan to drive into the city, but the second Nara and Gyuvin both looked at you with pleading eyes, asking you if Ricky could drive your granddad's minivan, you gave in.

After just getting home from the ice cream parlor, you were practically on your knees begging your grandparents for permission to use it. They both glared at you, and then exchanged knowing looks with each other. "And if I let you kids use my car, what will you promise me?" your grandfather quizzes, fingers rubbing his chin in contemplation.

"This is a big deal, Y/n," your grandma adds on, "we have met all of them, and they're all good kids but this is another level of trust! Are you sure Ricky will be able to handle it?"

Truthfully, you have never seen Ricky drive; you have never been in a car with him, even (you literally met just this week!). But you really badly wanted to go to the fair, and if it required you to be a little rebellious and exaggerate the truth a bit, you would do it.

"I'm sure he'll be able to." Your hands push together into a prayer position, "Please, please, please! We won't fit in his car and nobody else knows how to drive."

Your grandfather simply nods in his wife's way and before you know it, you're calling them and relaying the good news. Best of all: you didn't need to lie through your teeth for your grandparents' approval.

Seungeon joins the call first-- he's cooking something in the background and you can hear the oil sizzle. "So, did they say yes?"

Ricky follows, turning on his camera and you see the ice cream shop wall in the background, but he's not in uniform. "I'm a really good driver, Y/n, I promise."

"He's really responsible," Gunwook piles on as he enters the call. You don't miss how his voice falters when he says, "... Kind of."

Nara joins in next, seemingly back at the country club. "It doesn't matter if he's responsible, he's the only one that can drive!"

"Ouch," Ricky mutters.

Gyuvin and Eunah are presently together and answer from her phone. When you get a close look, they're in someone's living room. "Ricky, you're a good driver, don't listen to her," Gyuvin consoles. Eunah defends him too, "Be thankful Seungeon or Gyuvin aren't driving us."

Yujin is in his bedroom when he accepts the call, sitting with his back against the headboard of his bed frame, his arm folded behind his neck with his head resting on it as a cushion. "I think Gyuvin-hyung is a good driver."

They all (except for Yujin) go into a chorus of different opinions on Gyuvin's driving and since the start of the phone call, you haven't gotten one word in.

It puts into perspective how much longer they've been friends with each other than with you. And don't get it wrong, you weren't jealous; you didn't expect to be attached at the hip after, what, like two weeks of knowing some of them, but you were essentially an outsider. You silently wished not to feel left out when you hang out more in the future.

Their debate goes on for the next couple of minutes until Gyuvin notices you're not participating in the conversation. "Guys, shut up about my driving, please," a sigh escapes him, "Y/n started the call to say something!"

"Right." Gunwook pauses whatever he was gonna say about his distrust of Gyuvin's driving and lets you talk. "What were you gonna say, Y/n?"

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