chapter 5

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You've been walking around for who knows how long. You have repeatedly expressed that you wanna go on the roller coasters so badly, but he keeps on carrying on as if he hasn't heard you at all. All he wants to do are the booth games-- which sucks because you haven't been on a roller coaster in years, and the one at the edge of the fair looks inviting. You even saw Ricky and Gunwook, and they told you how much they enjoyed the roller coaster.

"Y/n, come here," he beckons you over. He's standing in front of yet another booth, but unlike the others he's played, this one has the promise of a prize if you shoot down all the aliens made of cardboard. Lame, but Yujin seems interested and it's cute seeing him like that.

You oblige, going to stand next to him. Sighing, you shake your head, "You're playing another one?"

"This is the last one, I promise," he nods to himself. He seems unusually focused with a determined look on his face as he asks you, "Which one do you want?"

"Which... what?" you clarify.

Yujin lifts his hand to point lazily at the booth prizes. "Which one?"

Oh. He wants to win you a prize. You would have never guessed that.

Your eyelids narrow a little when you squint to get a clear look at the stuffed toys hung on the wall of the tent. There's a Bambi plush, a Stitch one, and at the far right end of all the prizes, there's a small bunny one that's probably the size of your hand.

"That one," you signal towards the bunny, "it's cute." You bite your lower lip to prevent yourself from smiling at the idea that Yujin wanted to win you a prize.

He takes out his wallet to pay for the participation fee for the game, and then he's handed a toy gun. You don't know what the green liquid that comes out of it is, and you're certain it's better off you don't. The staff gives out the instructions and the criteria for when you can claim a prize; how many aliens you have to shoot to take the one you want. The bunny one is the fourth easiest to get, and you only need to shoot ten to claim it.

Yujin knocks two down and it all goes along smoothly-- but when he shoots eight, the timer starts beeping, and he groans as the staff puts the toy gun away from him. "Thirty seconds are up," the worker remarks. She pulls out an owl plush and hands it to you as the prize.

He seems disappointed. He exhales a breath and pokes his tongue around the inside of his cheeks, glaring straight at the bunny plush. Not to say that you wanted him to be disappointed, but he looks so... attractive right now. His cheeks are puffed up slightly; it's endearing how set he is on getting you a stuffed toy.

"Oh, well, I don't have to have the bunny," you console, hugging the owl to your chest, "this is cute too." You genuinely did find the owl cute-- it's only a bonus that he got it for you. To be fair, though, you probably would've found anything you got adorable under the context that it was Yujin who won it (and wanted you to have it).

He's just silent for a while, eyes darting between you and the white and red striped booth like he's deep in thought. You expect him to agree with you, be content with the plush you have, and you can both leave, but he has other plans.

"Can I try one more time?" he questions, taking out another bill from his wallet to pay.

The worker hands him the gun once again, and the entire process repeats. Yujin only manages to shoot seven this time, and he throws his head back in exasperation when the timer goes off. "Thirty seconds isn't enough time," he tries to bargain with the staff, "give me fifteen more seconds, please."

Her eyes are half-lidded, and you assume she's exhausted from working in this kind of heat. She subtly averts her gaze in annoyance, "I can't make any exceptions, everyone gets thirty seconds only." She takes another plush from the rack and gives it to you as the reward for knocking down seven-- this time it's a peach-shaped one.

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