chapter 8.5

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You knew Yujin had a suspicion that you wouldn't wake up on time-- you were so confident last night that you would, though, for him... But you suppose that he was right because when you wake up, he's nowhere to be found.

Your upper body jolts up from your place on the mattress, hand simultaneously flying to find your phone. You don't pay attention to the fact that everyone else--with the exception of Ricky, who is fishing for a drink in the refrigerator--is asleep, as you're too focused on checking what time it is and why your alarms didn't go off this morning.

You jump up on your feet, the digit nine displayed on your lock screen reflected in your eyes. It's almost nine-fifteen, which means Yujin probably left without you an hour and a half ago.

Ricky flicks his head up to look at you, startled by the noise you make when you straighten out your clothes and run to get new ones to change into. "You know it's nine AM, right?" he asks from behind the kitchen counter, semi-aggressively poking the straw into his strawberry milk.

You exhale deeply, bitterly reminded of the time and how disappointed you are that Yujin didn't even bother waking you up. You were so excited, too...

"I know," you bluntly reply. With a new set of clothes cradled in your arms, you scramble into the bathroom to change as fast as you can.

Hurriedly removing your pyjamas from last night (including the button-down he lent you, which still smelled like him), you pull on a top and a pair of jeans.

Leaning in towards the mirror, you fix up your hair and lightly slap your cheeks to make sure you're fully awake. Gathering your used nightwear and Yujin's button-down from their respective places on the floor, you hold each in both of your hands.

The cloth of the collared area of his shirt is crumpled in your balled fist, the fabric developing creases along the hem. There are still grains of sand scattered just above the bottom of the shirt, serving as a reminder of last night.

Last night, right-- when you had a sudden burst of confidence and basically pushed Yujin into letting you tag along with him. Did you come off too strong?

It's embarrassing how eager you portrayed yourself to be when it came to seeing him dance, just for you to wake up two hours later than you should have. And the other thing is: you don't even know where Yujin goes to practice. How did you not think of asking him yesterday?

As you exit the restroom, Ricky surprises you by popping out beside the door frame. "Yujin left two hours ago," he tells you, offering the two boxes of flavoured milk to you by lifting them slightly.

"Who's the second one for?" you question, taking both from his hands and rushing over to your bag. Momentarily placing the milk on the floor, you fold all your clothes and stuff them into your backpack in a disorderly manner.

Ricky follows you, looking down at you in your crouched position. "Yujin," he states matter-of-factly. "He didn't have breakfast."

"He didn't have breakfast?" you repeat to yourself, zipping up your bag and standing up straight.

Ricky's facial expression contorts into one of exasperation. "Isn't that what I just said?"

"Sorry." Rolling your eyes as you sling a strap of your backpack over your shoulder, you pick up the milk you left on the floor before turning back to the blond in front of you.

You press your lips together, mentally preparing yourself to ask about Yujin's whereabouts. You swing your body side to side as you inquire, "I'll get going, but, um... could you maybe tell me where he is?"

 could you maybe tell me where he is?"

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