chapter 7.5

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You have had the worst day in the history of all bad days (at least in your book). That could be an exaggeration, but you don't even think to explore that possibility as you're crouched in the employee bathroom, tears threatening to cascade down your already reddened cheeks.

First, you woke up ten minutes before you were supposed to show up for work. You didn't know how you ended up sleeping until such a late time, but the moment your eyelids fluttered open, you had a feeling that something just wasn't right. A glance at your phone lock screen confirmed that thought; you were going to be late, and it took nearly twenty or thirty minutes to walk there.

Frantically, you rushed down the stairs to get ready, only to find that all your work uniforms have been out to dry and were still completely wet from the washing machine. You sent a text to Danielle to ask if she could lend you a set of clothes for work, to which she replied with a kind yes.

You sped up the entire process of hygiene you would usually take an hour to do, and you were soon met with the oakwood door of your grandparents' bedroom to ask one of them to drive you.

Your hand balled into a fist; one knock... two knocks... three knocks.

No one was answering, so you had no choice but to barge into the room. What you expected to see was your grandmother resting on the bed-- not the empty space you were greeted with when you entered.

Then came the bitter realisation your grandfather wasn't here either but at work. There was no one to drive you, and you weren't going to take the risk of driving yourself-- you're only a student driver, and the learner's permit in your wallet was proof of that.

You mumbled a few cusses under your breath before running out the door. This was not gonna end well for you, and even if the walk was shorter, you would still be late.

You were all sweaty once you got there; running isn't exactly your strong suit. You were then immediately put on shift (after you changed clothes), and it was going well for a few minutes-- until the assistant manager came over to talk to you.

"Y/n, you can't just be late like this," he explained, frustration taking over him as he rubbed the top of his forehead slowly. "We're already understaffed, it's not helping that you were late."

He sighed. "I thought you knew better, especially because your grandparents are a big deal here."

He was right; your grandparents are a big deal here. They've donated tons of money and are active in the community--so you could only imagine what he expected of you, being their granddaughter and all that...

"I know, I know." You felt breathless as you tried to plead your case, gaze flickering to the manual clock on the wall. You arrived thirty minutes past your call time. "But I promise I won't do it again! This is the first time I've been late, it won't happen again."

As you practically begged, he wasn't having any of it. You understood why he was angry, but it seemed like an overreaction to you-- this is the only time you've messed up through your period of working here, surely he could see that you were normally a good employee.

He didn't. He was even angrier that you attempted to appease him with an explanation, which he probably thought was a complete lie. "No, no." He licked his lips, looking straight at the floor. "It's my fault for hiring you. You're young, and kids can be disrespectful at times. I thought that since your grandparents are successful, you would be as ambitious as them... but I was wrong, clearly--you're just an irresponsible kid."


Your bargaining turned into flat-out irritation. Who was he to talk to you like that? He doesn't even know you. Why is he so mad at you for being late one time?

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