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Gemini comes to work as usual. He changes to a long sleeve black shirt and a black long pant. He folds the sleeves showing his big and veins hands. He comes out but strangely today at the bar because their is no costumers.

" Why no costumer?" He asks his co-worker " I don't know but the manager just tell us to relax today and the places are all reserves" he co-worker starts to cleans the necessary things. Gemini nods and prepares also prepare everything.

" A Louis Martin with a special ingredient your heart please" a crispy voice echoing in Gemini's ear piercing the romantic music slowly not so loud. Gemini looks up " You again!" Gemini raises his voice a bit.

Fourth nodding with a wide smile " Yes! me again! why do you miss me?" he blinks many time while looking at him with puppies eyes. Gemini is looking at fourth with a done expression " I can't make your order because today the VIP costumer has reserve all the place so there is the door" Gemini points at the exit door.

" Why in the rushes to chase me away? I have plenty of time to chase after you" He smirks. Gemini looks around himself there is no one here just him and Fourth.

" Don't tell me it's your action that you reserve all the places" Gemini raises his voice at Fourth again. Fourth doesn't say anything but walk to Gemini " Yes! It's me who did this. Why because I want to spend my time alone with you" Fourth touches Gemini's cheeks and look at it like a delicious peach.

" Stop with your bullshit! I don't but it. Now tell me what do you want from me? You follow me, you are in front of my house just yesterday and now you want to spend your time with me? With the person you don't even know before is this make sense to you?" Gemini can't help but asks this strange man.

" Well can't you see that i am interest in you?" He speak casually and lean to Gemini then block him in between his arms. Gemini leans his body for not to touch Fourth " If you want to take me as one of your toys then sorry you should try it with someone else I ain't become a toy for a rich kid like you" Gemini pushes him away.

Gemini knows that Fourth courts him because he reject him. A rich kid like him never get rejected before that's why he wants to create a history by court on him. He walks away from Fourth " you are more interesting than I expected" Fourth speaks in his mind.

he rushes to pushes Gemini against a wall and kiss him. This time is not gentle like yesterday but rough. Gemini is struggling at first and pushes him away but fourth is pushing him more harder for him not to be able to move.

Gemini is drowning in the kiss and reply to his kiss unwillingly. Fourth smirking finally no one can resist his charm. He interwinds his fingers with Gemini's and then gets down to suck his neck. Gemini closes his eye. A cold hand is getting in Gemini's shirt but Gemini pushing him away.

" Stop bother me! You brat" He walks away with his red face like a tomato and angry at the same time. He walks to the changing room with fourth following him. Without changing his clothes he pack all his stuff " Where are you going you you shift is not done yet" Fourth asks with his hand folding on his chest.

" Anywhere without your presence is good for me" Gemini walks out of the changing room angrily. Fourth watches his back " How cute you'll be mine is short time" He chuckle. The manager of the cloud bar comes to him " I am sorry for his behaviour Sir I will teach him some manner please don't take it to hearth, he is a newbies" The manager bows to Fourth.

Fourth is a VVIP costumer even the owner of this bar has a respect for this young man " Fire him from today" Fourth has something in his mind. He walks away leave the manager stunned because Gemini is the money maker for this bar.

Salty Daddy and His Sugar Baby |GeminiFourth|Where stories live. Discover now