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It's been a month since Fourth had woken up from his one year of coma. Not so many people come to see him apart Becky, Freen and his father. The raison are because of his father tight security and prevent the paparazzi from taking any pictures of fourth during his treatment.

He also constantly dreams of that man and every day and every night. Precisely every time he closes his eyes. When he loses in his thought Freen and Becky come in with a baby in their hand.

Fourth looks at them with a question face " What's this?" He asks Becky " Our daughter" Freen answers and smile to Fourth.

" ???" He doesn't say anything but make that question mark face " She's is a labor daughter but she is a human don't worry" Becky speaks up.

Fourth makes an O mouth as an understanding. He smiles then Freen hands her to fourth. He carries her as gentle as possible. Her little fingers grab fourth pinky finger.

" She so cute" he shakes her " She likes you" Becky touches her daughter cheek. They are playing with the baby for a bit " Oh Becky! I forgot to ask every time or I might say there is no one that I can ask" he speaks with Becky then he gives the baby to Freen.

" What is it Pi?" Becky asks " I want to know something. Since I wake up from my coma no matter what I do or try I always dream about a man" in the room is full of silence.

Becky stand there silently then fourth continues " he appears I'm my dream every night. I try to call him but he seems not to hear me. I even beg him not to disappear but the result is always the same he vanish in the air" Fourth describes his dreams.

" I really want to see his face. He really want to know do you know who he is? Is he related to me before? If we are related why didn't he visit for at the hospital for once?" He asks Becky.

Becky breathes out " You really dream about him every night? I thought you already forgot about that man" she brings a chair and sit next to him.

" Him who is he?" Fourth asks " Your lover, I mean your boyfriend" Becky starts to tell him the truth. After she done tells him everything " You mean I have a boyfriend that's I love very much before?" Fourth asks.

"yes you love him with everything you have, you go against your father will to marry me just to be with him. You willing to accept every punishment that your father had given to you with complaints and I am very guilty for not be able to help you" she grabs his hand with a sad smile.

Fourth looks at her even he doesn't remember what's going on before but his boyfriend must be suffering too much. He nods his head.

" Can I meet him?" He asks but more like begging to her " I want to Pi. But no matter how hard me and your father try we cannot found him at any cost I'm so sorry" she goes in to hug him.

He is sorrow the last hope that he built in his heart is now vanish like the thin air passing through the body. He is silently upset because he thinks his boyfriend doesn't want to see him anymore.

" It's okay I understand" he pats her head and she goes back to her sit as normal " do you have his picture? I really want to remember his face" he begging Becky to give him a picture of Gemini.

" I'm so sorry Pi it's only your father has I never meet him so idk what does he looks like but you always said he is so handsome" she gives him hope.

Now it's time for fourth to rest more and after he got to do his legs exercises to be able to walk faster. He been practicing hard with his legs even the doctor told him not to try to move too much.

His temper is also short, shorter than before he got into an accident. In his mind, he must be able to walk the faster the better.


Everything according the plan that Rosy wants him to be her heir and the CEO of billions dollars company. At first, Gemini doesn't want to but they keep stalking him and pressure him and alway said the same thing  * you are the only leader that can lead us to the glory*

Everyone in the company also agreed to take Gemini as their leader because they though he is the grandson of Rosy.
It's already been a month he works so hard to lead the company and he did well.

" Don't work so hard boss I have time to rest you know" Mark who gets in Gemini office with a coffee. Mark is the leader of the marketing crew and also Gemini friend since he joins this company " I have enough rest don't worry I'm not that weak" he give out a chuckle and sign the paper.

" Yes your body is not weak but your heart is weak" Mark sits in front of Gemini. Gemini looks at him with a done face he regrets to tell him about his love life story that why he always tease him.

" i am just saying dude it's already 1 year and half you miss him like crazy. You drown yourself with alcohol every just to be able to sleep without dreaming about him and you overworked yourself in the days just to forget him?" Marks asks with his one hand on his waist.

Gemini doesn't say anything because it's true " Dude do you think you are an Iron man who use the Arc Reactor to continue his life?" He asks Gemini who seems not to bother his presence.

" I'm just saying look at yourself now you who wouldn't want you to be their son-in-law I wonder how stupid your lover's father is" he brings his coffee, takes a sip and goes to work to his office.

Gemini stops signing and depose his pen on the table and sit his back ti the chair. He turns to look a the outside view " I miss you like crazy Fourth but I just can't go back" he touch the glass while close his eye imagine fourth's face.


2 years after

Day by day each one of them do their own task and live their own life. Fourth now he is be able to walk but not properly.

He is also graduating from Chulalingkorn university as a top student in graphic and fashion designer doctoral. He is not 23 years old but his memory still can't remember properly he needs times to recall all those memories back

Even he doesn't have any memory but his favourite sort is racing game is still in his blood. He will goes into race every weekend and he is also a top famous designer in Thailand and across Asia.

This two years Gemini lead the company very well. He extends around the world and becomes one of the main topic of society to discuss about.

From a man who had nothing to become a billionaire in 3 years.

(They continue to live their lives this way without seeing each other or appear in each other life ) thank you for reading  THE END🫰🏻🥹

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