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Fourth goes to car racing with his friends "Hey! Fourth why don't you go for a round?" Captain asks him because since he here he only sits.

" I don't feel too idiot" fourth replies back "Hey do you see that man?" Winny speaks up makes them look at his way.

"Where?" Satang interrogates "There on beside a pink shirt girl" he points at the direction " So what?" Ford asks.

"I see that he looks at us since we arrived here like idk" Winny is not sure either "Stop being hallucinating will yah?" Ford blames him "But I really saw him following us" Winny whimper " Maybe he just hanging around like us tho" Fourth speaks up make them stop bickering.

" So where do you want to go next?" Prom asks everyone here " Anywhere that's can release my stresse bro" Captain gives an idea before everyone.

"Sure let's go!" They are going to the club * The nine heaven* (if I remember clearly the club that gem used to work😂 too lazy to go check )

« woah I'm home! » Prom smirks and pulls captain together with him. The rest of the guys are going to the VIP table that they reserve for tonight.


They got drunk while some of them have women around except Fourth and SatangWinny.

« I go to toilet » fourth gets up and walks to his direction. He bumps into someone « ouch damn it's hurt! » that man shout at him.

« I'm sorry phi I want to go to toilet please excuse me » he gets aways « ehh wait nong do you think I'll let it slide easy like this? » he stops him from walking away.

« I told you that I'm sorry why don't you listening? » he takes his hand out of his wrist « strong speech? Before I let you go you must pay me first » he smirks at Fourth

« You look pretty and cute nah want to go with me tonight? » he laughs at him «  take your disgusting hand away! Don't you know who am I? » fourth is angry but he can't keep his balance because he is drunk.

That man pushes fourth a little bit hard and make him falling to the ground and he gets on top of him «  you must want my disgusting hand to punch you right now » he extends his hand.

He punches fourth face and want to do another one «  who the hell are you to interfere in my business? » he falls to the ground while helping himself to getting up.

« My business because you touch my boyfriend » Gemini helps fourth to get up and hugs his shoulders « You want to die? » he threatens them with a knife «  Hey! » Gemini men are behind him with unpleasant face and a gun behind that man's back.

« I don't want any problems please leave » Gemini negotiate with harmony « I'll leave it here for now next time you'll see » he goes aways from them.

« Let's go home » Gemini tells Fourth «  Noo I don't want to go with you » he refuses to go with Gemini «  Fourth! It's already late don't let me repeat again » Gemini don't yell or shout at him just speak normally

« hummpp! » fourth is now sitting on the ground refuse to go home «  Go prepare the car and wait outside please! » he orders his men.

« Let's go home na Fourth! » he uses a sweet voice to talk to Fourth. Fourth is treating him with silence « want me to carry you? » fourth is still crossing his hand on his chest.

Gemini pick him up on his shoulder like a potato bag. He walks to the car to go home « tell his friends that Fourth has to go home first » one of his man go back in the bar.

Salty Daddy and His Sugar Baby |GeminiFourth|Where stories live. Discover now