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Fourth is slowly open his eye and tries move his body. Something is on his hand and prevent him not to move his left side.

He sees Gemini is sleeping beside him peacefully without any interruption.


"What's happening?" He observes around the room " Why am I here? And why he is here?" Many questions loading in his mind.

I don't remember anything much but I feel like I'm just working up from a deep sleep. I slowly move Gemini's head as gently as possible  without waking him up.

I don't feel like to staying in this room so I go outside for a better mindset. While watching the outside view I try to remember what happened but I can only hear Gemini's voice.

<Let's end it here fourth I want to have a better life, a warm family and a lover who his family willing to accept me who I am> This sentence is repeating in my mind constantly and it make me hurt.

" Didn't he want to leave? why is he sleeping there like nothing happen?" I stop thinking because I can feel my headache starts .

" Fourth! Fourth!" a shouting voice almost screaming from the room that I woke up.

I slowly walk to the room and see a panic Gemini with some nurses "Fourth!" He comes to hug me suddenly like he scares I will run away.

" Ugh I can breath " I push him away because he hugs me so tight.

" Why don't you wake me up? You know I'm afraid you're having some problems" he explains and turn me around for an examination.

"How are you feeling sir?" A doctor comes and asks me. He told me to sit on bed and take out a flashlight " Follow the light with your eye" I follow.

After some exams he writes something "Do you remember anything before?" He asks me.

Out of the blink, I remember everything " some" he nods " As long as I see, your brain is fully recovered I don't see any problems. But I still don't understand why you can't remember" he makes a face.

" Fourth do you remember your family members?" Gemini asks me. I look at him a bit

" Yes!" I respond in short. He blankly looks at me " So You seem to be well recovered so we don't need to keep you here but I must ask you to take appointments for pursuing your condition after Sir" I nod.

Now in the room there are only the two of us. They silence duh make us so awkward " babe! Dined you really remember everything?" He asks me and give me a suspicious look.

Huh? Babe? Since when we change ours surnames? "I told you I remember some" he breathes out "If you say so" he touches my cheek.

This man is the cause if I have a heart attack y'all be my witness. I can see the sadness on his face but as you know he willing to keep it for himself as usual.

"Didn't you heard that I can go home now? Why don't you prepare my clothes?" I order him. So what? I must use him for good since he hurt me. He must pay for everything.

He points at himself "Me?" He lifts his eyebrow " Who else?" I cross my hand and lift one eyebrow too " Oh!" He immediately does what I said.


Gemini is driving to Fourth's house. In fourth's mind he is not sure that what's is going on inside his head to bring him home as he already knew that his father didn't like him at all.

But he decides to drop the question "We're here!" Gemini opens the car door for him " I have hand I can open by myself" dry respond.

" I know you have hand so what if I want to open it for you?" He asks back make fourth glares at him.

Salty Daddy and His Sugar Baby |GeminiFourth|Where stories live. Discover now