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Gemini arrives in Paris in exhausted. He immediately goes to the appartement that he's already rented. When the morning comes he goes out so search for work.

Finally, he gets a work at the caring elderly center. He's really enjoying life there but he misses Fourth dearly. He's a normal person at the day but sorrow at night.

" How are you fourth? I miss you so much" he hugs a picture of him and fourth took together while sobbing in drunk.

He continues to drink until he passes out at the sofa until morning he will goes to work as usual.


Fourth laying in the room full of technology, machines and oxygen they help him to survive more longer. It's been already a week he still not gaining consciousness.

" How is he doc?" Mr. Kajorn is asking the doctor who is just got out of Fourth room " His condition is still in danger we must continue to watch and treat him as we can" He speaks with sad face.

Fourth father is nodding lightly in agree " And here are the thing with the patient when he got hit" a nurse hands him a bag full of Fourth things.

He grabs it and they walk away to do their tasks. Me. Kajorn opens the bag and see his phone ( Screen is breaking but still work), wallet and mostly a box of couple ring which is still has some blood on it.

He opens the box of couple ring and he thinks it's kinda cute. Secondly, he opens fourth's wallet and sees a picture of him and Gem smiling happily. He never sees his son smiles like this before it's make him feel more guilty.

And lastly, he unlocks fourth's phone at first he can't unlock it but he try again by putting his mother birthday and It's work! He invades in the messages and see a bunch of sweet talk of him and Gemini.

Then he goes to photo. The videos of Fourth and Gemini did all the things together, eat, hug and kiss they seem a normal and happy couple.

He close the phone and put all the thing on the side. He use all his brain including his politician brain to think if all he did is wrong.

He wash his face with sadness " I'm sorry my son. I'm very sorry" he single tear of regret drop down while apologizing to a person in a condition of death and alive are equal.

Days passes to weeks and fourth didn't awake yet. His friends and family all visited him from outside the glass " Fourth, please wake up soon na meung (friend) I'm tired to see you like this every time I come" Ford touching the glass and eye on fourth.

His other friends join him to. They hugging each other and smile in pain with tears.

1 years later ( already? Yeah already🤦🏻‍♀️)

Everything is going well " Granny, please be careful when you walk next time" Gemini tells a Grandma who is sitting on bed " Oii Jemy, I am old it's normal to fail when I walk" Rosy speaks with gestures.

" Still you have to be more careful and take care of yourself more" Gemini prepares to clean her wound " I have no children either family members. For a year, I'm thankful to you for taking care of me" Rosy is a rich Germany billionaire unfortunately she's ended up in the caring elderly center because she wants to.

She is also the one who sponsor Gemini scholarship and support him to pay him back. She takes both of Gemini hand " I hope when I die I have someone who will grieve me and send me to a good place that's is only my last wish" she smiles to him and pats his head.

" You will live like a vampire don't worry Granny" Gemini pats her hand back. She looks at him with soft eye " You know what I use to have someone look at me like this before" she tells him her story.

Salty Daddy and His Sugar Baby |GeminiFourth|Where stories live. Discover now