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Mr. Kajorn is sitting in the coach and looks around the living room " the decoration is not bad, since fourth was young he has a good taste in thing like this" He praises the decoration " Let me get you water" Gem wants to walk to the kitchen.

" No need I come here not to chit-chat  but to have a clear conversation with you" He goes straight to the point " Have a sit" He sees Gemini stands there silently. Gemini sits down in front of Mr. Kajorn " Let me get straight to the point here" He deposes a check with 1 million thailand bahd.

" I guess this is enough for me to pay you to live a good life if it not enough I can give you more every month in exchange" He utters those word without shame. Gemini looks at the check and pushes it back to the older man " I'm sorry but i can't take it" He collects all his courage to confront fourth's father.

" Why? isn't it what you want when you dated my son?" He being sarcastic " It's not because of money sir I love him for real and he loves me" Gemini tells Mr. Kajorn who is sitting with his legs crossed.

" Do you think a playboy who slept with countless person like my son would like to be in a serious relationship with an older man who has nothing like you?" He chuckles " You must be wrong I know my son more than you did. He is my only son and I already prepare everything for him. He will marry a good girl that I choose for him and give birth to a child who will carry on my legacy" old man shuts Gemini completely.

" I hope you can understand I will not approve an unnatural love no matter what. I will not let go of my only son even he hates me more than anything" He stands up " Don't blame me for not warning you Gemini" Him and his bodyguards get out of his appartement.

Gemini sits there quietly no mood of talking to anyone. With his head down he feels like crying. His heart aches because of the old man word.

He looks down on him for being wealthy and not good enough to take care of his son. His is sorrow for a whole day. He doesn't feel like eating or doing anything.


" Do I have an hallucinations guys?" Prom asks his friends " Fourth Nattawat is doing his assignment with us today the sky will falls or maybe we suffer from the flood" Ford joking around.

Fourth doesn't reply to them and continue to do his assignment " Ohoooo looks at his neck yesterday night must be very wild who are you courting now" captain checks his neck.

" I'm not courting on anyone and I don't want to" he smiles and flicks captain forehead " Seriously Fourth who are you courting now?" Winny asks him " I have a boyfriend now I don't want to be a playboy anymore" he speak with a serious tone.

" Ohoooooo" his friends are shocking of this sudden new but also feel happy because his playboy side is gone " Who is he? Can we see him?" Satang asks Fourth " Hmm may be one day I will introduce him to you guy" they continue doing their assignment.

Everything is done and they ready to go home and some want to have some fun. Fourth and his friends are walking to the parking lot.

A black van is parking in front of them with Fourth father in the van " Sowandee khub uncle" all his friends are greeting him " Sowandee, fourth gets in" his authority words makes fourth disgust.

" I don't want to tell me why you here dad?" He still doesn't get in and his friends are all leaving " I want to bring you to a dinner. Why can't I do that?" He asks . Fourth is confusing by his action.

His never gives him any attention but why today he is so nice to bring him to dinner " C'mon son get in" he rushes fourth. Both father and son gets in the van and drive to the restaurant.

Salty Daddy and His Sugar Baby |GeminiFourth|Where stories live. Discover now