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Gemini is coming to his office in usual hour with his secretary walks behind him and informs his schedule. He sits down " Today your schedule is pretty clear Boss" she check for double sure.

" But in two days you have to go to Thailand for an important meeting with FNJ company for our new session clothes design" she tells him and he becomes quite.

" FNJ company?" He asks but still in fact he has to go to Thailand " FNJ company is the best design company in Thailand it's been a while that we work with them didn't you know that?" She asks Gemini and he shakes his head.

" Oh maybe Sir Mark is the one who handle this project but now he hands it to you instead" she thinks " Okay I got it" he breathes out " The flight and hotel J already arrange everything for you boss" She gets out of his office.

Gemini closes his eye for a bit meditation finally he has to go back to the place where he left his hearth. It's been three years but his heart is not with him it always there the same place with the same person.


" Pi fourth!" Becky walks in Fourth office with her daughter in her hand " Why are you shouting Beck?" He asks but his eye are still on a bunch of paper.

" Can u do me a favour Pi?" She stands in front of him " What is it?" Short respond from him " Can you watch after my daughter today? I can't find a nanny to look after her in short time like this I have an important thing to do plus Freen is not free" she makes a puppy eye.

" Me too I have a very important meeting today" he looks at her " Tour daughter you are the one who decides to have kid so deal with her yourself" Becky lets her three year old walks around.

Her daughter immediately climbs to sit on fourth laps " I take it as a yes she likes you so bye pi. Just for a bit and I'll come to pick her up don't worry"she rushes out of the office " Ehhh!" He shouts.

They looks like a couple to everyone in the office because Becky always makes him babysitting her daughter. Sometimes strangers mistake them as a husband and wife with their kid.

" You must not disturb uncle okay?" He tells her she nods. He works and Becky daughter is playing with her toys quietly on sofa.


He arrives in Thailand safely and before the meeting hour with FNJ company. He has a personal driver " Can you drive to this address" he gives the driver an address " Sur sir." He changes the direction.

He gots out of the car in front of the building he uses to live. He takes a look around " Nothing has change" he walks in the building to his appartement.

He still has the key. He scares to open at first but he sees in front of the door is so dusty like no one every walk past here for year.

He unlock the door " Everything is still the same" he walks in his appartement so dusty but the furniture had a white fabric to cover.

" He must move out since a long time" he inspecting all over the kitchen, the sofa even the balcony are full of his memory with Fourth. He then walks to the bedroom still nothing change only the white fabric cover the bed.

He sits on the edge of the bed and slightly caress the mattress. The image of him and Fourth make out, the moans, good and bad memories are fresh in his mind.

While he imagines his past his phone ring " Sir we must go now we might be late" the driver tells him " Sure I'll be there soon" he ends the call.

He stands up " Farewell, my friends" he closes the door and unlock then he goes to the meeting.

Salty Daddy and His Sugar Baby |GeminiFourth|Where stories live. Discover now