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Gemini drives Fourth to school because he can't walk properly. He drives in the school field " I'll pick you up after school" Gemini tells Fourth.

" okay phi see you then" he kisses Gemini lips. They are smiling to each other and fourth gets out of the car. He walks to his class.

Every students and his friends gang look at him surprisingly " Why are you guys looking at me like this?" Fourth asks because they don't take their eyes off him.

He sit between Prom and Ford " Guys I think I have hallucinations" Prom speaks up " I think me too because I see Fourth Nattawat comes to school early in the morning" Ford agree.

The others are nodding swiftly * Pang* fourth smack Prom head " oiii it's hurt! why are you hitting me for?" Prom touches his head lightly. Fourth shakes his head " You're not hallucinating why you make a fuss? Let's studying" fourth takes out his note book.

They don't care much and study when the teacher is coming in.


He is in his office to do his business like usual. He is not only a political but also an owner of the biggest quality fruits farm in Thailand plus he has a wine company too.

His bodyguard comes in " A work that I ordered you to do is it done yet?" He asks but his eye are on the paper and signe.

" Yes Sir. this is the picture that I got for the last two days" he depose an orange envelope on the desk " Young master bought an apparement building with 500000$ but he puts it under this man name" Fourth's father looks at the pictures.

He looks at it one by one " What is all this Shit? No matter how much better I raised him he is still useless" with an angry voice he tosses all the pictures of Geminifourth on the desk.

" Continue to follow him without my order don't do anything and give me all the access information about the man in this picture I want to know how much audacity he has to date my useless son" his bodyguard gets the command and goes to do his work.

Kajorn is sitting on his chair and back to the chair. He messages his nostril bone to release some stress. Clearly, he couldn't accepted the fact of what he has seen from theses pictures.


The bell rings and Fourth is preparing to leave " Fourth, let's play football together. We don't have much time for each other lately" Satang asks Fourth.

" Hmm, you right but I really can't for today I'm sorry na" he hugs all his friends " Err it's okay if you have something to do but wait" Captain sees the red marks on fourth's neck.

" what's this?" Captain opens his collar to see more clearly " it's nothing!" Fourth says in panicking. They all know no need to hide from them " you can go maybe something is waiting there" Winny teases him and the other laugh.

" Assholes!!" Fourth chuckles and walks to the school parking lot. Gemini isn't arrive yet. A black shiny van stops in front of him " Young master! Your father wants you to go back home" a bodyguard speaks politely.

Fourth looks at him blankly " Tell him if I'm ready I will go back by myself no need to force me" he walks away from them. Another two bodyguards block him to go forward.

" What the fuck do you want? Didn't I told you if I'm ready I'll go back by myself!" He shouts at them. The bodyguard doesn't says anything but give Fourth a picture of him and Gemini kissed in his car this morning.

Fourth looks at the picture nervously " What the fuck since when did you follow me?" He grabs his collar. The bodyguard still keeps his calm face " it's an order from your father we can't denied" he ressemble his hand together means that he will not use violence.

Salty Daddy and His Sugar Baby |GeminiFourth|Where stories live. Discover now