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Fourth is right back home after he gets gemini profile from the manager of the cloud bar. He sees his house is dark and gloomy. Every time when he comes back no one greet him he feel empty and this isn't feel like home. He goes straight to his own room and close the door. He reads Gemini profile until he fall asleep.

7 AM* Ring, Ring, Ring* Fourth is groaning because the alarm. He stretch out his arm to stop the alarm and continues to sleep. 10 AM *Ring, Ring, Ring* another alarm is ringing and this time he looks at the clock " FUCK" he shouts out and rushes to toilet to take a shower and ready to go to school. He fuck up in the first day after the spring vacation.

after he's done he rushes to the university and walks in the class like nothing happen " Fourth Nattawat, Do you know what time is it? The class started at 8 and you arrive at 10?" a female teacher asks Fourth who is standing in the middle of the classroom unbothered.

the women in the class are whispering to each other with grin on their faces " these days in Thailand, the traffic is soooo bad I took 2 hours to come to school isn't it amazing" he smirks at the teaher.

" Is it my fault you have to manage to come to school in time" she discipline him to be more punctuated. Fourth turns to her " Did I say it is your fault?" He being a brat again to reply to the teacher like that.

His classmates are shocking from Fourth's savage respond. The teacher is so angry with Fourth arrogant behaviour " SILENT! It's enough with your arrogant behaviour I send you to the principal office right now" She signals him to get out of the classroom.

" Aishh I should tell my father to burn this university down from a long time ago. You'll regret it" He scratches his ear in annoying and walks to the principal office.

In a week he comes to school for 2 days and these two days he's not in the classroom study with everybody else but in the principal office to be more disciplined. He is in the principal office but he is not in his bureau. Fourth walks to sit in the principal chair while waiting for him like he himself a principal.

Ten minutes of waiting silently finally the principal is here " I love you na I have to go now baby muah muah" The principal is talking through his phone " You're late" fourth looking at his watch counting the time.

" AH how long did were you been here?" He asks fourth who is sitting on his chair with surprise. Fourth doesn't respond but keep silent " Aish how many times do I have to told you even your father is a big financial supporter of school but you can't behave like this all the time. I can't just be by your side forever it's unfair for other students" The principal tries to explain but seems like it doesn't transmit to fourth's brain at all.

" Who tell you to take my side? All I need right now is fired that teacher I don't want to see her face anymore it's make nauseous" Fourth speaks casually but the principal looks very frustrated. He messed his hair " Do you know how many teach that I fired this mount? It's already 4 teachers counting her in and it's because of you" The principal speaks pathetically.

" Aww how sad but this is not my problem it's your problem do it before your love life with a teacher publish around and become a hot topic to talk about in this school and you'll know the consequence.

Fourth gives him a cheeky smiles and gets out of the principal office because it's dinner time he didn't eat this morning so he need to boast his energy with his dear friends. The principal wants to cry so bad because of a mistake Fourth is blackmailed him every time to demand everything he wants in this school.

" You look all shiny today is something good happen?" Prom asks because Fourth seems like to be a little better from last time " Of course he does because he is just fired a teacher in her first day of teaching" Aun signals them to look at the teacher walks to the parking lot with a box of her stuff in her hand.

Salty Daddy and His Sugar Baby |GeminiFourth|Where stories live. Discover now