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« Aishh! This asshole! I'll chop you and throw your flesh into the sea of you don't call me » today is the 10th times he looks at his phone screen.

It's already two days that Gemini gone to France and didn't bother to call him once.

« Ahhhhhh T-T » he beck himself with his office chair. The door is open and his secretary comes in with a catalog in her hand.

« What's that? » he asks her «  Boss, this is a new big project from one of our VIP clients » she deposes it in front of him.

« So? » he is baffling what's the matter «  he is getting married soon but he want to surprise another groom and he want you to choose instead » she smiles to him.

«  I am not the one who is getting married why do J have to choose? » he rejects the idea «  Oii Boss didn't I said it's a surprise weeding? » she again pushes the catalog in front of fourth.

« Help him he is willing to pay for everything like choose with your own preferences like you are the one who getting married na boss please help » she begging Fourth.

Fourth has no choice since his secretary said it's one of the VIP clients «  Alright! Stay here and help me! » she is staying here.

« So let's start with the aisles » he looks at the pictures «  If he said he wants me to choose base on my preference personally I will choose the sea because the environment and the view are perfect for the weeding » he smiles and thinks about Gemini again.

He looks at his phone screen but still black. He continues with his works « and how about the guests how we will handle this? » she is noting what fourth wants.

« Since it's a weeding between two person we don't need too much person and we only invite the relatives and their close persons for them it's enough » he is done talking and she is noting.

He continues to look at the catalog and tells her with the description what is needed in this weeding «  So lastly, the outfit for the grooms should we do it in black? » she smiles and blinks.

« Who the he'll married in black as a male and male couple if it male and female yeah but this is another story girl » he looks at the catalog.

« Since the weeding is holding at the sea so white, beige or peach are the colour or light bleu » Fourth thinks a bit

« So what would you choose boss? » she is smiling «  hmm maybe beige. White is to basic and peach is not something the grooms should wear at their weeding and light bleu may be but better not because the view is already bleu better blend in » he choose beige.

So they are done with it «  Now we have last thing to do Boss » she gets up «  What as long as I remember I don't have any appointment » he lazily complains «  Now you have we have to go now or we going to be late » he gets up and she follow him.


« Welcome to our boutique may I help you with today? » the store manager greets him «  yeah we have an appointment with Miss Avo. for weeding suit » his secretary tell the manager.

« She is ready for please follow me » she bring them to a VIP room «  Mama Mia welcome welcome sit down sit down my daughter » She warmly welcome them.

« hello my name is Nattawat and this my secretary » he introduced himself alongs with her «  So you guys are getting married? » avocado sips her tea while her legs cross 😌

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