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Fourth has a rough time to look at the people around him unfamiliar faces and unfamiliar feelings. He doesn't remember anything.

"Fourth, son! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He looks at the old man with baffling face " Who are you?" His memory is blank nothing in their.

Son? Fourth? That old man, two women looking at each other showing their sadness and the people who wear the whites coats with mask on.

He scares at first but he relax. The doctors are examining his eye with flashlights. After they are done  " Mr.Kajorn let's talk outside" the doctors and nurses are going out with Mr.Kajorn.

Fourth looks at the couple in the same room as him " who are you?" He asks this question once again but too different person " Pi fourth! I'm Becky can't you remember me?" She come near him.

he shakes his head constantly "It's okay phi take your time, I'm Becky and this is Freen" she introduces themselves to fourth. Fourth nods and tries to move his body but only his upper body can not his bottom.

Fourth touching his legs but this can't feel his touch " why can't I move my legs?" He asks while trying to make it work " Phi fourth calm down" Becky stops him " WHY CAN'Y I MOVE?" he shouts.

Now Becky and Freen have to come together to stop him from hurting himself " GO AWAY!" His mood change immediately. He screaming, shouting and trying to get away from their grab " LET ME GOOO!" he is crying.

the nurses and doctors with his father come in to help the girls " Please! calm down first" a doctor try to stop him not to move so much " My legs! My legs why they don't move?" he is crying.

his father can't help but to drop tears and gets near him to hug him even he hits him " Fourth, calm down son you will be okay" he hugs fourth and tries to calm him down. The doctors and nurses don't waist no time and him some Anesthesia.

Fourth stops moving and he falls aleep in his father's arm. After he calm down, Becky and Freen farewell Fourth Father. Now only his father and the doctors and there " Like I inform you earlier, his brain is damage my the accident he might lose all his memory from the past but if he is lucky enough he will gain it back but it take time to process. Lastly, about his legs we will work on it with the paralyse specialists" fourth father nods.

Mr. Kajorn feels pathetic towards his son. If he not against his relationship with Gemini nothing like this will happen or his son might be more happier. He guilt is still strong inside his heart.

his phone ringing " Did you found him yet?" he asks the person who he send to search for Gemini in France " Not yet?" He continues " You mean he might change his name?" He rest his head on top of the coach.

" It's been a year don't give up continue to search for him He is the best treatment that my Fourth ever need" He ends the call. Inside his head right now he doesn't know what to do but first he going to find gemini.


Gemini who finishes school and he is ready to go to work. He see many black limousines in front of the central elderly care. He gets in and asks " did someone just passed?" He asks the receptionist

" Yes, Jemy, it's Mme. Rosy" She tell him. Gem is shock that the woman he took care for a year gone like this.

He rushes outside but the limousines have already leave. He follow them to the graveyard everything is already prepare. She is gone for good

" you really leave like this? I have so many thing to ask advice from you" he stands in front of her tombstone. Someone is approaching him " Is it Mr.Jemy?" A white man asks him.

Gemini turns to him and take a look. He wear black suit looks like a bureau worker " Yes I am" he answers " I am John, Miss Rosy lawyer. I am here today to pass you the letter and the last wish from Miss Rosy to you" he shakes hand with Gemini.

They both go to a nearby coffee to have a proper discussion. The lawyer pass him a paper " What's this?" Gemini asks " Miss Rosy wants you to be her heir" John smiles.

" I didn't wish to have them plus I don't want them it's not mine" Gemini pushes it back to him " Then read this first you'll take the decision after" John gives him another letter.

    Dear, Jemy
I am do thankful that you took care of me for an old lady like me. I am a nobody even I leave this world I have no regrets because I finally found peace and be with the love of my life again. Do you remember the last time you told me your story? I remember it very well. I am sad behalf of you and your love but I hope you'll be with them again one day. To repay your kindness I have nothing but I really really want you to be my heir and continue my business. I have no family left. I consider you as my grandson please don't reject it. I already gave 1/3 to the charity and the rest it's on yours to decide. I know you can do it please grant my last wish you are the last person that I trust the most.

                                       Rosy to grandson Jemy🩵

After read the latter, Gemini lose his words. His has tears in his eye he doesn't know what to do. Since he arrived in France, he met Rosy and she is the one who took him to work at the elderly central care.

" I hope you'll realize what's is her real intentions Sir." John smiles in hope. Gemini still can't accept the fortune " I don't know what to do with all these please give me some time to think" Gemini proposes.

John nods " Sure I will give you time but please be fast we all need a strong leader" John respect his decision and gets out of the coffee shop.


Fourth is still sleeping because the power of Anesthesia. His body is full of sweat and he moves so much like he is having a bad dream.

" Don't go please! I beg you don't go!" He begging in his sleep. He is still closing his eye.

" Don't leave me alone. Please!" He gasp for air " Don't go! Don't go! Come back to me! Ahhhhh!" He screams and a muses rushes in " Sir! Are you okay?" She asks whiles checking his pulse.

"I don't know but I have a bad dream. I see a man who back facing me with a suitcase no matter how I call him to turn to never turn to me then I see a light come then it hit me" he describes his dream.

" Everything okay Sir! Please taking more rest you still weak and we will talk about this later" she makes him lay back to sleep.

Fourth is laying his back to bed. The nurse go back and does her task. Fourth is laying there cluelessly since he woke up he only dream about the strange man and all he can do is begging him to come back.

Even he doesn't remember or sees his face but he has a very strange feeling. He wants to cry, to run to him and to hug him tightly. He doesn't want to let him go he feels his hearth lose something precious.


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