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Days by days, the relationship between Gemini and Fourth is stronger. Today is Gemini birthday Fourth has to prepare two gifts for him.

Even Fourth provides everything but Gemini still insists to make his own money because he doesn't like to stay still and does nothing.

It's been a month already that fourth doesn't go back home. This month, his father is silence but every time Gemini and him going out he felt something watching them.

Gemini still doesn't know because Four tv doesn't want to talk about this he will make their time are the most memorable without worrying.

Night time is coming, Gemini is coming back home " Why the house is very dark today?" He takes out his shoes " Fourth?" He shouts his boyfriend's name but no answer.

He stands there and a couple of hand cover his eyes " Fourth, what are you playing hah?" Gemini asks " Just follow me" he being Gemini to walks slowly.

" Don't open your eye until I tell you to" he lets go of Gemini eyes " Fourth, what do you want to do?" He smiling.  Fourth looks around see that everything is ready " You can open your eye" Gemini opens his eyes.

He looks around the living room is full of their picture together hanging of the wall with the light with the balloons. On the table has a cake which the candle is already lightening.

" Happy Birthday to you~ Happy birthday to you~ happy birthday~ happy birthday~ happy birthday to you~~" Fourth sing happy birthday and lifts the cake in front of Gemini.

" Happy birthday na krub love" Fourth smiles. Gemini smiles happily and makes a wish before blow the candle " What do you wish about?" Fourth asks after put the cake down on the table.

" Why would I tell you?" Gemini teasing him and walks to the wall full of their pictures " Oii tee rak (love)tell me na" fourth insists to know.

" Since when you call me this?" Gemini is pinching his cheeks " Right now, so now tell me what is your wish?" He pouts. Gemini pulls him closer while his hand hugging his waist.

" Hmm! I wish no matter what happens we will never be apart in this life I want to stay with you forever" Gemini tells him his birthday wish.

Fourth heart is beating faster after hear all these sweet love confessions. He pulls Gemini into a deep kiss * I wish too* he says in his mind.

" I have a two gifts for you" he breaks the kiss " What is it?" Gemini asks where his gift. Fourth being a little white box to him " Here!" Fourth puts it on his palm.

Gemini opens the gift and see is the car key, Mercedes AMG GT S, on the box. He takes it out he looks at fourth.

Then fourth bring him to the balcony to see his new car. A beautiful yellow Mercedes with a red bow on top is visible for him to see it very clear.

" Fourth isn't it too much?" Gemini asks because he feels guilty. Fourth smile " Nope! It's not! I'm tired to see you always take cab to go everywhere" he hugs Gemini.

Gemini nodding he doesn't want it even fourth bought him this he not going to use it without fourth. He smiles to Fourth " And where is the second gift I swear not the expensive thing I will not accept it" Gemini warning Fourth.

" You'll see and maybe you'll like it better" he smirks and walks slowly to the bedroom. The way he walks and looks back to give Gemini a sign to follow him from behind.


Gemini follows him to the bedroom. He sees his bedroom now has become all red. The sheet, blanket, pillows or even the light have become red.

Salty Daddy and His Sugar Baby |GeminiFourth|Where stories live. Discover now