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fourth wakes up with a heavy head. His body is sore " Ugh it's hurt!" he exclaims while he sits up on bed naked. He looks around and doesn't see Gemini anywhere " Where is he?" he looking around the room.

Since here is no presence of his boyfriend he going to take a shower " Aw damn, my tummy is hurt" He touches his tummy and tries to walk to the bathroom.

Fourth passes by the mirror " Look like I need to cover them with a thick foundation" The hickey on his body is so evident.

After he done taking a shower he wears a long neck shirt to cover up his bruise. He goes downstairs " Aww fourth come here" He hears someone is calling him from the dinning room.

" Dad! Since when did you come back? Didn't you have a meeting in another country?" Fourth asking his father who is sitting on the dinning table.

" Seems like my absence is doesn't matter to you" A voice come from his behind " Phi gem!" he surprisingly call his name " I think you're leaving" He humming

" How can I leave you again since I just met you again"  Gemini is hugging fourth in front of his father. Mr.Kajorn is smiling " Phi Gem! Stop! Don't you see my father is here?" Fourth takes his hand off him but Gemini against his idea.

" Father doesn't mind! Right dad?" Gemini is calling fourth's father as his father " sure this old man doesn't mind the affectionate of the young people now but please have a sit guys i'm hungry" Mr. Kajorn is chuckling.

this is the first time ever that he feels happy without forcing his smile. Fourth is dumbfounded since when his father becomes Gemini's father.

" Ehh?? How did you guys know each other? Since when? How?" Many questions are in his mind " one answer that I can give you it's all because of you" Gemini answers instead of his father.

" But-" Fourth wants to continue his speech but his father stops him " Fourth, let's eat it's already late in afternoon son" He scolds fourth and order the maids to distribute the food.

since his father and Gemini said so he decides to bury all the questions behind his head and start to eat. They are chit-chatting to make the silent atmosphere become more cheerful.

Mr. Kajorn and Gemini seem to become more closer since the last time they met. Everything is clear safe and sound. He doesn't against their relationship anymore he decides to give his son happiness that he deserve.

Also Gemini is forgiving him for everything they become so close because they have many things in common. They become father and son-in-law and accepting each other full hearted.

After dinner, his father has something to do in the parliament so he goes first " Tell me" Fourth hits Gemini arm " Tell you what?" he decides to ignore " Tell me when, how, and where we are falling for each other?" Fourth becomes serious.

" Ohhh! IDK!" he runs away " Yahh! stops! Don't run" Fourth runs behind him. When he arrives in front of his mansion gemini stops him from running with a hug " Muah calm down baby" gemini kiss his cheek.

" Hump!" he is now sulking " How cute! stop sulking I bring you somewhere" Gemini makes a deal with sulking baby.

" Where?" a short question " Get in the car" gemini opens the door for him. Fourth gets in with his clueless face but still gets in the car. Gemini starts the engine.

Fourth is sleepy since he doesn't get enough sleep. Also gemini doesn't want to bother him " Fourth! Fourth! Babe wake up! We're here" Gemini shakes fourth gently.

" Hmm??" he opens his eye " Why are we here? It's an old appartement" Fourth observe the appartement in front of him.

" Just come and you will know" gemini makes a sign to fourth for him to get in the appartement. Fourth walks behind gemini and he takes out a key to unlock the door. When he enters, he gets the familiar feeling like he have been here before.

Salty Daddy and His Sugar Baby |GeminiFourth|Where stories live. Discover now