Chapter 7

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Namjoon was currently sitting in his car, looking out of the window as the little guy came in his mind.

"You should thank me that I came on the right time, otherwise you would've told him Taehyung's name." Jin said as he chuckled.

"Well...I'm really thankful for that."

"What's wrong? You've suddenly become so quiet now?"

"...I'm just thinking about how cruel this world is. Poor them. Taehyung fought his disease to be with him and that's alright...but what if Jungkook already has someone in his life?"

"Oh come on. I've already searched it up. Jungkook has no one in his life. He seemed to have liked a person six years ago I think."

"How do you know this?"

"I've lots of sources you know." Jin said and flipped his hair as Namjoon chuckled at the confident man.

"You're crazy."


"Oh come on. You're scolding me for the same thing since the last twenty minutes." Taehyung sighed as he looked at his manager hyung.

"Oh really? Then listen to it. How can you simply go out in the rain like that? What if someone sees you?"

"No one knows me hyung. And even if someone did...then what's wrong in enjoying a little in the rain. Besides, who knew that I'd meet my favourite human there." Taehyung said.

"No power in this world is capable of explaining you." The manager said as Taehyung chuckled and tapped the manger.

"'ve finally understood that?"

"Shut up."


Jungkook was slowly walking down the street. His eyes on the road but his thoughts were elsewhere.

Today, the rain had opened all his wounds, something he tried hard to forget about.

"I really wish you were here. I wish I had told you earlier about my feelings. I wish I wasn't this coward. I wish to be with you." Jungkook said as suddenly a poster beside him lit up.

"Hey...isn't it that CEO whom I met a little while ago? He's pretty famous." Jungkook thought as he walked away from it.

But what he didn't realize was was an indication. An indication that soon everything would be alright. He didn't realize that he had already met and talked to the love of his life without him knowing that.

He's loving him without knowing that the other person is equally madly in love too. Although Jungkook is quite happy with the letters he's getting but as we say love takes time.

And it takes a lot more time for a broken heart to love again.

It's hard and there's a long way to go but it's not impossible.

Taehyung knew about Jungkook but he didn't know that he loved him too. Jungkook knew Taehyung felt the same but he doesn't know that he's still alive.


The next day, Jungkook again received a letter, but this time he didn't say anything against it. He just read it with a slight smile.

"Dear Dr.

Hi again! How are you? Have you been taking good care of yourself?

Don't think of me as a stalker but I saw you yesterday standing in the rain. Is everything alright?

I thought to come and hug you. But then again, you don't know me. And I didn't want to see you being scared of me.

So I sent my friend to you.

I hope you didn't get a cold or something.

Drink lots of water and don't take stress!!

Keep smiling always! [You're smile is the reason of my existence ;) ]

Yours KTV."

"So that guy who came up to me yesterday, was sent by him?" Jungkook thought as he sipped onto his coffee.

"He seems like a nice guy...we can atleast be friends." Jungkook thought.

"Heyo ladies and gentle men." Grandpa said loudly as he entered the room.

"Hush...grandpaaaa. Such a noisy oldie you are." Jungkook mocked him.

"How dare you young man. I'm more fit than your entire generation."

"Whatever makes you happy."

"Who's face did you see while waking up in the morning?"

"Probably yours. That's why my day is going so bad." Jungkook said as grandpa hit him on his head.

"Talking too much I see huh?'ve got a patient to see within fifteen minutes."

"Unlike someone who's enjoying his free time." Jungkook said while side eyeing grandpa.

"Oh shut it young man. I've got my fav. patient who comes here everyday. He's far better than your rude ass."

"Whatever you say. Oldie."

"You will never listen will you?"


"Well...I heard you went to the art gallery?"

"Yup...I met the CEO too."

"You...WHAT!?" Grandpa asked in shock. There wasn't anything wrong in meeting a CEO...but that CEO wasn't anyone else other than Kim Taehyung himself.

Grandpa was worried about Taehyung. He knew the man would burst from all the happiness.

"I said...I met the CEO. What's so shocking in that?"

"Uh...nothing. Absolutely nothing. I gotta go." Grandpa said and quickly left the room leaving a confused Jungkook behind.

"Crazy oldie." Jungkook thought and went back to doing his work.

The innocent boy had no idea that he had already met the one he loved since the past six years.

Life plays a lot of jokes on us.

Let's see whether the lovers will reunite or will their story just be remembered as an incomplete wish.

End of Chapter 7.

Sorry...this part is a bit short but bleh.

Also...let me ask ya'll smthg.

I'm thinking to convert this story just like the previous one.

The chps would be short, just consisting of the letters and in middle some story will go on.

How does that sound?

Please do let me know!

Anyways, take care ya'll!!!

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