Chapter 11

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"Seriously Jungkook?" Taehyung asked as he looked at the name of the movie.

"Oh come on. Don't give me that look...the name sounded I booked its tickets." Jungkook said, pouting a bit.

"Hm...okay I guess. I mean what could go wrong in watching this?" Taehyung said.

"Let's go in then, shall we?"


Both of them entired the theatre room, which unexpectedly, was not too crowded. They quickly took their respective seats as the movie began.

"Decided by Destiny."

The movie was about a guy and a girl, who had hopelessly fallen in love with eachother. But none of them knew about the other's feelings.

Both of them tried to move on as they couldn't risk their friendship for their stupid feelings.

Taehyung uncomfortably shifted in his place, as he found the movie too realistic, something which he was experiencing currently, but he couldn't move his eyes off the screen.

As it's always said, true love can't be forgotten, the couple kept on suffering every day. Trying to move on is the most difficult job when the person you love is right next to you most of the time.

The girl had to leave to another country for her studies...nine years....nine years had already passed by when the girl finally returned.

Both much mature than before, realized that it was better to confess before it's way too late.

The girl, was the one to take a step.

" you know we've been besties for more than 15 years...before I always used to think that there's no one who will understand me."

"But came in my life and turned it upside down."

"You understood me without me even having to say a word."

"You were there for me when I was at my worst."

"You always made sure that I ate enough food."

"The little roses that you used to give me were the most precious gifts I've ever gotten."

"The way you always protected me as if I was a little kid."

"The way you always found time to tall to me everyday even when we were miles away from each other."

"You made me fall in love with myself."

"And now it's your fault..."

"The way you laugh whenever I do something silly, the way you scold me when I make mistakes.."

"The way you hug me, pinch my cheeks, put your hand around my shoulder...tell me..."

"Who wouldn't fall in love with someone like you?" She asked as the boy's eyes widened as fresh tears came out of his pretty brown eyes.

"I-I know I shouldn't have felt something like this, but I've already fallen hard for you...just the thought of you being someone else's makes me cry."

"I want to be the only one whom you hug tightly, kiss and love forever. I want to be the only one to see the beautiful view of you waking up next to me."

"So...will you..Jake Williamson...make me the happiest girl alive by marrying me?" Lara said, as she bent on her knees, holding a beautiful diamond ring.

On the other hand, Jake was standing still, not able to process the sudden confession.

Had the girl whom he loved more than himself, just confessed to him?

A big smile grew on his face as he too fell on his knees, crying and hugging the girl, as if she would disappear if he left the hug.

"A million times yes!!!!!" He shouted as he looked at the girl, who too, had tears in her eyes.

"For the past 13 years, I thought that I wouldn't ever be able to marry you."

"You also loved me since then?"


"Oh god...why didn't you say it then?"

"You didn't say anything either."

" have a point there."

"Destiny is so crazy, we wasted nearly fourteen years, if only we didn't keep this in our hearts and actually discussed it, then we would've been somewhere else right now."

" one can change the past, but we sure can make our present and future much better..."

" was already decided by destiny...." Lara said while looking at the love of her life, right infront of her."

The end.

Loud cheers of the crowd were heard. Some people were clapping with all their might, while some had tears in their eyes and a soft smile on their faces.

But...our lovely couple, hadn't moved an inch.

Those emotions were rising in them again. The past, the pain and the suffering which still hadn't ended.

Jungkook closed his eyes, trying to stop himself from crying while Taehyung was no good.

Both of them came out of the theatre, walking beside each other, without a single word.

No one knew how to start a conversation.

Jungkook somehow wished that he hadn't chosen that movie to watch, as he could feel his old scars opening again.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't just seem to forget the lovely man.

"The movie was nice." Taehyung said slowly as he kept on driving.


The rest of the ride was quite silent.

Taehyung dropped Jungkook at his apartment and left.

Only one thought was lingering in their minds....

"Am I doing something wrong by not saying anything?"

The end.

Heyoo guyss...

So sorry for the small chapter but I just wanted to update as I got a holiday today🤭😅.

Hope ya'll like it!!!!


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