Chapter 23

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One could hear and see the two young boys running after each other, one laughing hysterically, while the other was fuming.

"Come back Park Jimin!"

"Jung Wonho!" The other boy, Wonho, stopped on his tracks, as he recognized the voice. It was his mother.

Wonho's mother came near him and held his ear while Wonho winced in pain.


"And that's how we met for the first time." Jungkook laughed as he recalled the funny memory.

"You sure are something Park Jimin." Yoongi said, his gummy smile on display.

"Okay okay. Now enough of this. Since tomorrow is Sunday, which means it's a holiday, why don't we all plan something fun?" Jimin asked.

"Oh yeah. We could maybe go to the amusement park?" Jungkook suggested teasingly.

"A big No!" Taehyung replied, while shooting daggers at his 'friend'.

" about a friends night?" Jimin suggested.

"A what?" Taehyung asked to which Jimin just shook his head.

"A friends night V. It means that we all meet up at one of our homes and spend the night together, playing games, watching movies and stuff." Jungkook explained.

"That sounds fun!"

"Yeah, we can do it! Let's do it at my home? My house will be empty tomorrow." Taehyung said.

"What about your hyungs?"

"Oh...they're going on a two day trip somewhere." Taehyung replied to which the others nodded.

"Fine then. Let's meet tomorrow at his house by 3 PM." Jimin said as they all dispersed.


The next morning came by real quick.

Jungkook was currently looking at his closet, which suddenly seemed to have nothing nice to wear.

It wasn't like he was trying to impress's just that he suddenly had the urge to dress up a bit more.




"Jungkook, are you done?" Jimin asked as he entered in Jungkook's room.

"What the hell Kook!" Jimin shouted as he looked at the messy room, with all the clothes thrown here and there.

"I don't have anything nice to wear." Jungkook said as he pouted a bit.

"Park Jimin to the rescue!" Jimin said, as he started rummaging through the clothes.

Finally, he managed to find a pair that convinced Kook.

The dress was simple. Emerald green shirt with dark blue jeans.

"Can we leave now?" Jimin asked as Jungkook nodded.

"Let's go!" Jungkook said as they rushed outside.


Currently, all four of them were sitting on the sofa in the living room of Taehyung's house, or shall I say, a whole damn mansion.

"So....what are we going to do now?"

"I've planned a lot of things. First....let us all cook something." Jimin said excitedly.

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