Chapter One

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It was a beautiful Saturday morning. Well, beautiful on the outside at least. I sat by the window just admiring the beauty in front of me. The sun was rising so the sky was lit up with a mixture of orange and yellow. A couple blue birds came to the tree next to my window. I smiled at them before they flew away. I sighed, feeling jealous of the birds. If I could fly, I'd be far away from here.

Suddenly, I jumped when I heard pounding knocks on my bedroom door. "Just a second" I said, going over to open it. My mother stood there with her arms crossed and an angry expression on her face. "Yes mother?" I replied, backing up. She walked closer, her eyes piercing mine. I gulped. "What the hell are you doing standing around? Do you realize what time it is? You were supposed to make breakfast over an hour ago" she yelled in my face.

"I'm sorry mother" I apologized, but that wasn't enough. She only got even angrier as she raised her hand, and connected it to my cheek. Harshly.
I stood frozen, holding my now stinging cheek. "Next time you're told to do something, you do it. Lunch better be ready by two o'clock" she stormed out, slamming my door. I moved over to the window just staring out at the neighborhood. Thinking how lucky those people are to have a life that's so simple and free. Free to do whatever their heart desires.

If only..

I keep thinking to myself.

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