Chapter Fifteen

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I didn't know how long I've spent in the bathroom just sitting on the floor, with my thoughts scattered as always. I couldn't bring myself to move. For some reason, I just felt glued to the floor. My mind was telling me to get up. But my body was forcing me to stay down. Probably because I was still a bit scared and uncertain about everything right now. I was scared that I was going to get hurt over and over again. And I was uncertain about him. Ivan.

I wasn't sure if what he said about wanting to 'protect me and keep me safe' was actually true or not. I wasn't sure if I was actually free and safe from the harm that always seemed to follow me. I was scared of the pain I would have to deal with every single day and I wondered if I actually escaped that, or if it's going to happen all over again.

I honestly don't think I can take any more beatings if it did happen. My back and stomach haven't fully healed yet, and so it's still very painful. I sighed, my thoughts vanishing for now as a knock on the door snapped me out of my daze like state. "Just a second" I said, before getting up and opening the door.

Ivan stood there, with a small smile on his face. "I figured you didn't want to go up, so I brought you breakfast" he said sweetly, handing me a plate. I looked down before grabbing it. It was pancakes and eggs. I gave a small smile back. "Thank you" I said quietly.

He nodded, before walking out of the room. I stared at the plate in my hands before I sat on the bed and just ate the food. After I finished, I debated on if I should go up to put the plate away, or if I should just wait for him to come down and take it.

After about ten minutes of going back and forth, I just went upstairs to the kitchen and quickly washed the plate and fork, putting it away and then sprinted back down to the room I'm staying in. I laid down on the bed and stared at the wall ahead of me.

And suddenly, my mind starting to go off as it always did.

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