Chapter Twenty-Two

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The next day was actually peaceful. Surprisingly but also gratefully, I didn't have a nightmare. I was able to actually sleep throughout the night. I think it was because of Ivan.

I asked if he could just sleep next to me. He was shocked, which I surprised myself at that. But he was happy and had no problem with it whatsoever.

Ivan has been by my side through all of this. In which I'm grateful for. I'm grateful for him taking me out of that place and I'm grateful for him saving me.

It's been a week since he 'kidnapped' me, and brought me here. Thinking back, I didn't know what his intentions were and honestly I was beyond terrified of what he'd do. But now, I realized that he only took me to save me. To protect me.

I'm still a little bit uncertain about some things but definitely not as much as before. One thing that scares me though, is I started to develop feelings for him. I'm not sure if I should tell him, or just ignore it. I mean, I probably sound crazy right now.

Falling for the guy who kidnapped me, in which he also saved me.

Yeah, I'm definitely crazy. Plus there's no way he'll have the same feelings as I do. He brought me here to keep me safe. That's pretty much it. But maybe I'm wrong..

There you go again Claire, you're way in over your head.

I sighed, laying down on the bed just looking up at the ceiling. I couldn't shake away these feelings and my thoughts weren't making it any better.

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