Chapter Three

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It was a nice day out, so I decided to go out for a walk. I needed the fresh air anyway. I pulled on my hoodie and slipped on my shoes. Pulling the hood over my head, I grabbed my keys and phone and headed out. I passed by some old and new houses, seeing kids toys just piled up upon the front yard and porch. I kept walking until I stopped in the corner by a large tree.

Just several feet in front of me was a big fancy house with a white fence built around it. Gorgeous flowers growing on each side of the steps which lead to the door. But what really got my attention was the window at the top by the tree.
I grinned as I saw the most beautiful girl just staring out of the window.

She wasn't looking towards me, though I wanted her to. She was looking around as if she was looking for someone or something. I don't know how long I've been standing here for but I do know that she finally looked over towards me. I chuckled once I saw her head tilt to the side as she kept on staring this way. Damn she's cute. I frowned when she turned around and all I could see was the back of her. But I became pissed at what I'd just seen next.

An older man that looks like he could possibly be her father just punched her. How could someone do that to their own child? I see her holding the side of her face and my own hands turn into fists. Next, I see her jump as the door shuts. And a second later She's sitting on her bed with her knees up to her.

I frowned again as I look at her. I wish I could just go up to her and comfort her. I wish I could tell her that everything is going to be okay. That she's going to be okay. I look over again to see her standing by the window, her hand still holding her face. A small smile formed on my lips as I looked up at her, before walking away.

I swear our eyes connected at that moment and the smile on my face grew bigger. And all I know now, is how bad I want her. How bad I need her. I want to have her with me. To make her mine. To protect her. To keep her safe. To make sure nobody ever lays a hand on her ever again.

I don't know how, but very soon, I plan to have her. To save her.

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