Chapter Eighteen

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I watched as she would toss and turn in her sleep. Her breathing would become heavy for a bit and then slowed down. I watched her turn over to where her back was facing me, and that's when I knew she was awake. Only because her breathing was at a normal pace when she's awake. But when she's asleep, it becomes heavy, which is from her nightmares. I paced back and forth quietly, just staring at the girl in my bed.

I couldn't sleep, I was too worried about her. I kept thinking about the hell she went through at that place with those people. I thought about how could someone do such a thing to their own child. What did she even do to deserve it? Because of them, this poor girl is terrified. Scared of everything, even her own shadow. I can see how broken she is.

But I plan on fixing her. I want to help put her pieces back together. I want to try to make her happy again. For her to love again. To know what the word 'love' means. I know it's going to take some time, but I'm willing to try.

For her at least..

As I'm walking back in my room, I stopped when I saw Claire walking in my direction. She must've not seen me because she slammed right into me. I smiled at her but then frowned when she spoke. "I'm so sorry, it was an accident" her voice shaking and mixed with fear, as she backed up quickly. She turned away from me, but I grabbed her hand gently.

After I told her that is was okay and that she doesn't have to be afraid, she ran off into her room. I followed quietly as I watched her door shut and then heard her bathroom door shut as well.

I opened the bedroom door cautiously, and went towards the bathroom. I leaned on the door as I heard her cry. My fists clenched, and anger shot through me from what I was hearing. I exited her room quietly and went back to my own room. I sat on the couch and put my head down, gripping the cushions.

Her cries echoing in my head and the torture she went through was stuck in my thoughts. My mind going crazy on wanting to hurt them twice as bad as they did to her. She doesn't deserve any of it. I made a promise to her that I'd never hurt her. Well I'm making another promise that nobody else going to either. Even if I have to kill them.

Nobody is ever going to hurt her again..

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