Chapter Nine

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After my parents came home, I was still asleep due to forgetting to set my alarm. It was around three o'clock when they stormed into my room and forced me awake. My punishment went on for over and hour, and let's just say I can't move a single muscle.

I received several beatings, countless kicks on my stomach and back, my face slapped and punch a few times, and my hair yanked, following with me being told how worthless and pathetic I am, and so on.

So now I'm just laying on my bed, trying not to think about the pain that's all over my entire body. I keep wishing I knew what I did to deserve such a horrible life like this. Will it ever stop? What can I do to end it?

My thoughts were interrupted by my door flying open. I looked up to see my mom looking down at me with a blank stare. Her face was emotionless.
"Yes mother?" I said quietly. She stepped closer before speaking.

"Your father and I are going out, then staying over again at a friend's. We'll be back in the morning and we expect to have breakfast ready right as we walk through the door. Understand?" She stated, furrowing her eyebrows.

I nodded. "Yes mother, I understand" I said quietly, as always. I learned better than to raise my voice and talk back. So when I speak, it's always quiet. "Good" is all she said before heading out and shutting the door.

After she left, my mind continued going back and forth on rather I should just take my own life. Hell if it saves me from them then that doesn't sound like a bad idea.

Great, now I'm considering suicide. "Ugh" I groaned, carefully getting up and heading to my bathroom. I gently touched my face, seeing it all red. A bruise slowly starting to form. I peeled off my clothes to look at the damage that was left on my stomach and back.

Seeing that just made me want to cry even more. I was literally covered in bruises. I sighed, before turning on the warm water and stepping in.

Once I was done, I carefully dried off and changed into some comfy sweats and a long sleeve. I walked and threw my towel in my laundry basket.
I tripped over something on the way out, and fell on my back which caused me to scream in pain because of the painful bruises.

I looked over and noticed my duffle bag was in the hallway. Wait what?
I got up slowly, wincing at the pain spreading across my back. I looked around my room and noticed my window was open. Looking at it confused, I never leave it open.

I went to shut it but I bumped into something or someone actually. "Father?" I asked confused. "I'm so sorry" I heard a voice I didn't recognize. "Huh?" I questioned, but my vision became blurry as I felt a prick in my neck. I tried blinking to see properly but it was no use.

The last thing I remember was the voice saying, "It's okay, you're safe now"

I blacked out after that.

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