Chapter Thirty

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"What the hell do you think you're doing?" My mother spat, her eyes were dark. I stepped back and bumped into someone else. Then I was shoved to the floor, harshly.

"You just never learn do you?" They both said, glaring at me. I gulped, scooting backwards. "Maybe it's time we teach you an even bigger lesson" my father said, grinning wickedly. I backed away as much as I could.

Which was no use for me because they just came at me and started kicking and hitting me repeatedly. I got punched numerous times before my hair got yanked. I let out an agonizing scream, curling up into a ball.

They were yelling and hitting me profusely. I covered my face and closed my eyes and just stayed still in hopes that all this would be over with. And maybe this time my life would be over with. I can only hope though right?

I heard slight banging on the door, following with someone yelling but it was muffled due to my hands covering my ears. I finally looked up with hope in my eyes as I heard multiple people shout and the door bursting open.


About ten men in police uniforms came running in and next thing I know, I see Ivan running towards me. I smiled, happy to see him. He pulled me into a hug and I cried into his shoulder. "It's okay, it's over. You're safe now" he whispered in my ear. I looked over to see the officers take my parents and the guy away in handcuffs.

I let out a sigh of relief, and buried my face in Ivan's neck. I smiled again. I heard a throat clear, and we both looked up. "Miss, we want to inform you that your parents are being taken into custody and-" I stopped him. "Thank you sir, I don't want to see them again and I don't want to be here" I said politely. The man nodded. "Is there anyone else that can take you in, do you have any relatives?" He questioned. I shook my head.

"She has me" Ivan said, causing me and the officer to look at him. "You can come stay with me if you want" he suggested, looking intently into my eyes. "Miss?" The man spoke, making me look up. "Do you feel comfortable going with this boy?" I smiled, nodding my head. "Yes" I said, looking at Ivan. He smiled, grabbing my hand.

"very well" the officer said, looking at the both of us with a smile. The man walked away and five minutes later, I heard the cars take pull out. I got up and looked out the window seeing my parents and the creepy friend of theirs being hauled away in the back of the cop car. I smiled happily, as I thought about how I'm finally free from them.

"Ready to go?" Ivan asked, gently touching my face. I winced a little bit smiled at him. "Yes please" I said. He nodded, and lead me outside. I shut the door and walked to his car. I hopped in and soon after, we were heading to his place. I never once looked back at the place I used to call 'home' because it never felt like it to me. It felt more like a prison than anything.

I'm just glad it's really over. I don't have to deal with them anymore.

I'm finally free..

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