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It's crazy how one can go from having nothing and being completely miserable, to having everything and being insanely happy. Like they were never even broken at all. There wasn't any pieces that needed to be put back together. Like everything was picture perfect. Kinda like a fairytale even.

Before all this, if someone were to ever tell me that my life would turn out to be better than it is now, I'd laugh in their face and say that they're lying.

Honestly though, I never thought the day that I'd be free and happy would  come to me. I thought I'll have to just stay with them for a very long time.

I'm so glad I don't.

After everything that has happened, I've finally got myself to believe that I'm okay, and that I'm safe. I no longer have to worry about being harmed or anything like that. I can finally live a normal happy life. And so that's what I'm doing.

Since that night with the cops and everything, I haven't thought about my parents once. Personally, I didn't care about what happens to them. If they're alive, dead, or God knows what. I was asked if I wanted to see them, but I declined. I didn't want to see or hear what they had to say.

Thankfully, I was never asked again and I haven't heard a single word of or from them.

My life has been a whole lot better lately. I've been staying with Ivan and I have grown a ton of feelings for him. And I learned that it's mutual with him as well.

For someone who's been broken for so long, and was living in self doubt, you'd think this wasn't even possible.

But it is.

I've finally learned to love again. I finally knew the feeling of being loved.

After everything that I have been through, I can truly say that I deserved happiness. And I'm honestly grateful that I have it. And I get to share it, with Ivan. I was happy for once, and it was nice to know what love actually is.

I started thanking God for bringing Ivan into my life. He literally saved me, and not just from my abusive family, but from myself as well.

And I'm eternally grateful for him. Im grateful for him saving me. I'm grateful for him always being there for me to this day. No amount of words will ever be enough to express how happy I am.

And so, as the days go on, I can't help but thank God every single day for Ivan saving me, my parents going away, and for the fact that I can finally be happy, and to have a normal life.

                          THE  END!

Or is it?.... ;)

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