Chapter Six

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"What the hell did we tell you?" My father screamed. His hand slapping me across the face. I held my face, that was now in pain. "Stupid girl, you were supposed to have lunch ready by the time we got home. Now your mother and I have to go without because you chose to be fucking lazy" he yelled, adding another harsh slap to my face.

"Father please stop, I'm sorry" I cried.
He only shook his head before throwing a punch my way.

This time, my eye got it. I got off my bed and ran towards the door but he grabbed me, tossing me to the floor. "You going to be lazy again?" He bent down grabbing a fist full of my hair, causing me to cry out even more.

"No" I whimpered. "What was that?" He yanked my hair. "I promise I won't be lazy again" I scream, my voice filled with pain and fear. "Good" he said, letting go of my hair and getting up. "If you ever think about doing this again, your punishment is going to be so much worse than this" he threatened, kicking my stomach a few times before storming out. I just laid on my floor, in too much pain to even move.

I heard my phone go off but I couldn't get to it. I just wanted to curl up and cry. It went off again so I slowly got up and went for it. I opened my nightstand drawer and grabbed it out. I unlocked the screen and noticed a few texts from the unknown person. I sighed before reading them.

Unknown: hey beautiful

(Ten minutes after that..)

Unknown: you sleeping again?

Those were from earlier, before I fell asleep. I looked at the other two from just now.

Unknown: are you okay?

(Five minutes later..)

Unknown: please answer..

I looked at the screen for a few minutes before responding. I still don't know who this person is or why they're being nice to me.

Me: I'm fine, thank you

I replied before putting my phone away. Truth is, I was far from fine. But nobody needs to know. I looked at the time and saw it was going on six, so I carefully walked down to the kitchen and started dinner.

About an hour later, everything was done and I was up in my room. I changed my clothing, and noticed a huge bruise forming on my stomach.

Great, just what I wanted..

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