family reunion

685 3 0

29th March 1972

Sirus pov


I woke up and see everyone gone and ready for a normal day. I get up and get ready for a another day at school and long lessons. I have been recovering from everything my parents did to me growing up and I have accepted my new life with the help of my friends and boyfriend.

There are my amazing friends James, Peter, lily, meralene and dracas as they have been there for me through the toughest times. Then there's my amazing boyfriend remus he and I have been together for two years after we confessed our feelings to each other and he's been my ride or die and I would do anything to protect him.

The last three years have been hard to accept what wasn't normal to me I grew up in. The abuse my parents gave me and not having the freedom I have to myself. So I have been trying to get through this with my family and friends as they know I have alot of truma to get through.

Regulas my brother and narcissa, Bellatrix and andromeda my cousins have been amazing. They never say anything to my parents about and what I have been doing now. So I have been in a happy mood and finally in a really amazing place with everyone.


I had everything I needed and was ready to head downstairs to the great hall and have breakfast. I walk in and join my friends at the table as they had a worried look on their face. I even see mcgonical look worried so I just ignored it and sat next to remus who was facing away from the slytherin table.

What's up with you all and why do you all look worried I said. Oh nothing I'm just suprised you haven't noticed what some people James said. What do you mean I haven't noticed something I said look over at the slytherin table and you'll see why peter said as I put food on my plate to eat.

I turn around and see my parents and aunt and uncle talking to reg and my cousins. Then I look to the other side of reg and it was my grandparents just eating there breakfast. I turned around so they didn't notice me and knew this is what they meant. What are they doing here I said we don't know but mcgonical wants to see you before we head to potions James said.

I get up and head over to mcgonical as I knew she wanted to check on me. Hey mom I said as we all call her mom as she likes it when we call her that. Hey sirus you ok mcgonical asks yeah I will be I can't believe I didn't notice them here at first I said. Don't worry I have spoken to dumbledore and he said if they do anything to you they will be kicked out the castle mcgonical said.

Thank you I will head back to the table and finish eating breakfast I said. We said goodbye and headed back to the others and finished eating breakfast. They were making jokes and making me laugh. I really needed this as it cheered me up and was ready to start my lessons.

Well this is going to be a long day but I will try to get past this and be happy. I'm going to try and ignore them as much as I can today. I look over and see my parents look at me and they were suprised to see me. I start to stress out but knew it was because I saw my parents again after 3 years. I feel remus hand on mine and I soon felt my stress go away.


We finished eating and got up and headed to potions. I take a quick glance over at the slytherin table and see my parents look at me but I just left and pretending I didn't see them. Once I was out I grabbed remus hand and walked to the potions.

We all sat together and started listening to professor slughorn. This was an easy part of the day as I could focus and ignore my parents. I feel remus hand on my lap as he was helping me get through the lesson without me having a panic attack. I was even taking notes and looking through my text book to see all the answers.

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