alphard black

306 2 0

1st April 1972

Sirus pov.


I was happy that I could go home after what happened last night. The professors are still trying to find out who poisoned me as it just happened out of the blue. It was strange as I didn't see anyone put anything in my food and the others would have seen it so was weird.

I was waiting for remus to come back as he left to get me some clothes to wear and mcgonical went to get the discharge papers. I was bored waiting for people to arrive and then I see my aunt come in and sees me up. Hey how are you sirus my aunt said I'm ok just waiting for them to come back I said.

Well I'm glad to see you up and doing well she said. I know but what brings you here I said we'll I was able to get away from your uncle and I heard you were leaving today and I knew you wouldn't say anything to me again she said. I know but I'll be ok and it will take me a while to move on I said.

We talked for a while and I knew my aunt always hated what my parents did to me as she always healed me up. She knew me coming to hogwarts was the best way out from seeing my parents ever again and knew I would find the best people to care and love me like she did.

She wanted to laugh at me calling my teacher mom as she knew there was someone taking reasons good care of me and I have a good mother figure in my life. She soon left and I was happy I was able to see her again and talk to her again.


I was bored again as I was waiting for them to come back as it's been two hours since they left. Sorry sirus there was alot of paperwork I needed to get through mcgonical said. Finally I was bored and I needed someone to talk to I said.

Has remus not come back I thought he would have been back by now mcgonical said. I don't but I don't have anything to change in I said as the door opens sorry pad dumbledore got stuck in a meeting so I had to wait for him to finish remus said. That's fine but let's go I'm bored as he hands me my clothes and and they both leave together.

I was done and joined them and we headed back to hogwarts together. Hey let's find the others I said sirus be careful we still don't know who did this to you and the doctors want you to rest mcgonical said. I know ill be careful I just want to see everyone and I want to be away from my family I said. Ok you can to hogsmade but make sure to stay safe mcgonical said.

We leave after talking and telling me to stay safe as they are looking for the person who did it. We went to the great hall and saw the others sitting and doing the work as they were happy to see me out of the hospital. I saw reg come over to me along with narcissa and Bella. Hey glad to see you out of hospital Bella said thanks how are you guys I said.

We're good and we know we're not able to talk to you as we have our parents here Bella said. It's ok but where Andy and the rest of the family I said we'll they needed the toilet and she took them there so they should be back soon so we'll go narcissa said. Well see yah tell Andy I said hello I said as they head back to the table acting like they never came here.

Dumbledore soon came in and bought the permission slips in for us. I thought we would have stayed in the dorm rooms lilly said. I didn't want to stay here knowing my parents are here and I think they know something going on between me and remus since I fainted in his arms yesterday I said. He's right and it will be caos since I saw them look at me when he fainted in my arms remus said.

They walk in as we got all the work and was ready to leave. I saw my mom was about to walk over to me but my nana stopped her. My dad saw me and he saw me all healthy and knew he might have had something to do with it but I let it go. Then I see someone I haven't seen for three years and it was my uncle alphard black my dad's younger brother.

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