Reunion with regulas and Bellatrix

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10th September 1970

Sirus pov


I woke up and got ready to head back to school for my second year at hogwarts. I was staying with james and his family as they wanted me to be far away from them and be safe. His parents are so loving and caring and they are like the parents I never had.

I head downstairs and joined James at the dinning table. Euphemia brings the breakfast over to us as I sat down to eat with them. Thank you for the breakfast and letting me stay here I said. No problem kid when James told us how bad your parents treated you we knew we could look after you fleamont said.

We finished eating and me and James went and got everything ready for school. I was packing all the stuff as james asked me to get everything ready for quiditch. Hey so I was thinking we could do more practices with the other teammates and see how we should get ready to bring the trophy home James said.

Yeah let's see what the captain says and hopefully we can see some nice improvements to the team and maybe some first years will join us this year I said. James leaves to carry on packing so we could leave on time. The best part of going this year is that I won't see my parents at the station knowing my brother and my cousins will be sent to another school.

I haven't spoken to reg since I left for hogwarts for the first year. I was in a bad place after my parents disowned me from the family. It wasn't just my brother it was the whole family and I couldn't take the abuse from them. It caused me to become a different person that I hated.

James, remus, lilly, Marlene, dracas and Mary were the best people I met in my life and I can't but help to smile at them as they always help me through the darkest of times. If I choose to be in slytherin I would have been a lot more like my parents as I don't want to be like them.

I managed to get everything into the bags I was taking and made sure to leave the important stuff here as I don't want them to be lost or broken while at school and James parents have said it was OK.


We left the home and headed to the train station. Fleamont wasn't able to go with us as he had a lot of work to do and finish so we still said goodbye to him. As we arrived we said goodbye to his mom and headed to platform 9¾ as we knew where to go.

We get on the platform and put our things on the train. Hey I wonder if remus and peter are on the train or are we early James said. Hmm who knows but let's just make sure everything is on the train I said. Yo sirus james we have a place to sit so hurry up and lilly, Mary and Marlene are here we heard someone say and it was peter.

Ok will be there soon just hold up we are just putting our things on the train james yelled to let them know we were coming. Soon as we finished putting our stuff away we made sure it was all tidy. Soon as we were done we headed to where the others were standing out the window.

I hear someone call my name and I stop and look around to see who called me and i couldn't tell who it was. Hey sirus you ok james asked yeah I thought I heard someone call for me I said. Hmm maybe it was peter again but let's just get to the others james said. Yeah maybe I'm just hearing things but I don't know I said.

We get on and start looking for them and we found them in the very back. I hug remus as I missed him alot and it was great being in his arms again. Hey I think I saw a mini you get on the train aswell as a girl version of you lily said. What do you mean you saw a mini version of me get on I said.

When we called to you before coming we thought it was you but then the little guy was suprised and thought you were here peter said. No it can't be I thought our parents sent him to another school I said. So you know this guy lily said yeah it seems you met my little brother regulas black I said.

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