
193 3 0

30th April 1972

Sirus pov


It was the Friday and the last day for the parents of slytherin house were going home. I was happy that they were going home especially my parents and uncle. The only people I will miss is my uncle alphard, aunt and my grandparents as they were the only people that didn't turn out like them.

I got everything ready for school and headed down to have some breakfast as the others were still asleep. I sit down and put some food on my plate and g started talking to Mary. Hey so they are finally leaving how do you feel they are going Mary asked. Well im happy and now I don't have to feel like I'm stressed out I said.

That's good I know it hasn't been easy for you to see them everyday and also finding out about you and remus Mary said. Yeah but let's get today over and done with as they will leave tonight I said. We were talking and saw my family walk in and take their seats at the table and looked like they weren't happy to leave here.

The others walked in and joined me at the table as I finished eating. James was trying to do a prank but lilly snatched his wand from him. So he just carried on eating. I was done eating and was just talking to remus and lily about random stuff and the homework that was done.


It was time to head to our first lesson and we had magical creatures. So we headed to the greenhouse and started the first lesson it was quite easy and we knew we would get this done before lunch. I see the parents walk in and sit down around the room as the other parents could have room.

I see my family sit down as we prepare to feed the animals. We listened to the professors as we had alot of catching up to do as we had a few weeks off due to not having any lessons. I was taking notes down as there were going to be assignments we had. I see James wasn't even paying attention as he was very angry all the parents and slytherin house were in the same room and was still angry with snape.

We started making food for the animals as they looked quite hungry. We made sure it was all even and that they would enjoy it. I see my parents watch me as I made sure everything was perfect and no mistakes. Lilly saw me working to hard than I would usually be. Other than my grandparents saw me work really hard. Well done sirus and peter keep it up you need to make sure nothing is out of place the professor said.

I saw the smile on my grandparents face and knew I was doing really well. I could tell my parents wanted me to make a mistake so they could be even more disappointed with me. I was still cutting up fruit and that's when the knife fell out peter hand and cut my arm. I never noticed as I was to distracted with the cutting of the fruit.

I saw someone arm remove the knife and checked my arm and it was the professor. Peter please be careful with the knife you cut sirus arm the professor said. I look at my arm and saw the cut on my arm and didn't realise it was there. I'm so sorry padfoot i didn't realise i dropped it peter said. Don't worry wormtail I didn't realise aswell I said so he dosent feel guilty.

I left it alone as I just wanted to carry on working. Remus grabs my arm and cleans the cut as he doesn't want the animals to taste blood. Thanks moony I really mean it I said no problem just make sure you let me clean it Remus said. I made sure there wasn't any blood on the food and luckily there wasn't any there.

There was one ingredient that wasn't at the table and everyone realised it and asked the professor where it was. It just happened to be in the cupboard behind my parents. Everyone didn't want to go over there so I went over and saw my parents look confused to why I was over there. Mind if I get to the cupboard we need to use something in here I said.

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