the next day

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30th March 1972

Sirus pov


I woke up and everyone was gone and I saw there were clothes out for me and I was happy as I know remus put them out. So I went and had a shower I wanted this to be over and they go home as I still hate them for everything they did to me.

I was done and headed to the great hall and saw the others at the table doing work and talking to each other. I was about to sit down and hear my name being called and it was my nana pointing for me to sit next to her but I knew if I sat down with them I would feel my anxiety go up and my truma unfold.

So I went and sat with remus as he saw my nana pointing for me to sit next to her. Hey your doing the best thing pad yes they will be here but it's for your mental health remus said. I know moony and I feel like they just won't leave me alone I said. Hey sirus you want to go to hogsmade again we got the permission slips again peter said.

Yeah why not and I'm suprised they are letting us go again after we were late yesterday I said. Oh don't worry they knew we wanted to cheer you up again dracas said. They were right being away from here has made me feel alot happier and not stressed out from being near my parents.

Well be back were going to get the work from the dorms so we can do it on the hills lily said. Do you all have to go I said don't worry mcgonical and dumbledore are watching you. I put some food on my plate and as I was eating and i look up to see my grandfather standing infrontof me. Mind if I sit here son my grandfather asked yeah sure I said.

How are you my grandfather said I'm good just trying to move on and you I said. Well I'm good and I'm glad to see you all healthy and happy my grandfather said. Yeah just trying not to feel my anxiety go up after everything that has happened in my life I said. Well it's good to see you being happy so what you up to today and will I see you for lunch he said.

I don't think so me and my friends are planning to go to hogsmade and get some work done and to relax I said. Well at least you'll be away from them and don't forget to use some of your money in your vault my grandfather said. Wait there actually money in there I thought you were joking about it in the letter I said. Nope and don't forget me and your grandmother will always take care of you he said.

The others joined me as they saw I was smiling and happy. Well I'll let you go and you kids take care of my grandson my grandfather said as he joins my family again. I see my friends come back with the things and we finish up with breakfast.


We arrived at hogsmade and we went and bought things for lunch. The whole time I was wondering why my grandfather was talking to me and why my parents didn't stop him from talking to me. I saw they had an angry face when he sat down with me as they know I didn't want to be anywhere near them.

I feel someone's hand grab me and I flinch not realising it was remus. I look and see remus was confused why I just flinched from his hand.

Sorry moony I was lost in my own thoughts I thought it was someone random I said. It's ok pads as long as your not hiding anything from me your fine remus said. Come on we have everything let's head to the hills.

We got on the hill we were on yesterday and started to do some of our work together. It was easy to do as we worked together and completed it as I could hear fights from people in hogsmade. I look up and see it was some of the hufelpuffs fighting with the shop owners.

After that we had some of the food we bought from hogsmade and started to talk. I felt alot happier in a place where I don't see my parents and uncle as they are the ones who hurt me the most and I try to forget them. I see something in one of the bags James got and it was sweet alot of it.

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