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4th April 1972

Sirus pov


I woke up and got ready to head to hogsmade and explore the caves. I was sad I missed going there yesterday. I know the others really wanted to go but they could have waited for me to be allowed to go out again.

I grabbed the watch so James doesn't forget about it again and headed down to have some breakfast. I see they were starting the work that was given to us yesterday. They looked like they were struggling with it and I saw lily even looked like she was struggling with the work.

I sit down and start putting food on the plate as I saw James hit his hand on the table which spooked me. Damm this work is really hard James said. Where are you going this morning looking really happy lily said. I'm heading to hogsmade and I'm going to explore the caves i said. Well you can't were staying here to do some work in the library as we haven't even started the work remus said.

Ah great payback for yesterday I have done all the work and I can go by myself I said. No your not we don't want you going by yourself and we don't need you being by yourself James said. Oh how you left me by myself yesterday as you wanted to go to the caves and when I want to go I can't I said. We know it was a bad Idea to leave you alone yesterday but we regret it peter said.

I don't care and enjoy because they were hard and I got through them by myself I said. They were shocked to hear I was still going and there was no way of convincing me not to go. I was done and headed to the teachers table and got a permission slip to leave the school. I sit back down and see my family look at me as they saw me alot happy.


I got everything I needed and said goodbye and headed to the train station to hogsmade. When I left the castle remus looked very angry to see me leave the castle as he didn't want me to go by myself. I needed to be far away from my mom after what happened last night I knew she was going to ask me so many questions.

I wasn't ready for that especially after what my mom did to me I was afraid to be anywhere near them. I knew my uncle alphard and grandparents wanted to speak to me and check if I was alright. It was my grandparents first time seeing me have a panic attack as I never wanted them to see me having them.

I got off the train and went and got some things from hogsmade. I ended up getting a few things I needed from hogsmade. I even got myself a book as I wanted to take on a new hobby and I hear reading helps calms the nerves so that was good. Then I got some lunch and in a near by cafe as the food was great here.

I headed to the caves after finishing the food as I got inside there were a few people here. I looked around and it was beautiful and just amazing. I kinda see why people like this place so much and why everyone talks about it. This made me feel like there was a place you can forget about everything that happened in your life it was the best.

I soon left the cave and went into another one and this one looked like it was telling a story. The more I looked around there were so many of them I could never tell what ot was saying. It was perfect and just something you could enjoy looking and pretend you were the one telling the story.


After exploring I went to the hills and looked into the distance and saw how peaceful it was. I took out my sketch book and started drawing the castle from a distance. Looking at hogwarts made me happy because this is where my new journey started and it was just amazing.

The whole place just reminds me how this place is giving me the best memories. It makes me forget about my parents and how much joy it bought me as I never thought about a place that makes you forget about your childhood and the bad memories.

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